31: Anger and Aceptance

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Those jerks had now not only taken the love of my life but, they had broken into my home and started to shoot up the place, with my son and Kara still inside. I would get justice for my husband and I would get justice for the kids. I walk into the lair, Lauryssa hugging me.
"Are you okay?" She asked.
"I'm okay, really, just a few scraps," I nodded.
"Good," she nodded.
She bent down to talk to Kara and William.
"Are you both okay?" She asked.
The both nodded.
"Good," she stands.
"I have an idea, when they were shooting I heard on of them mention something in what I think was Latin or some form of that language," I say, as I walked over to my computers.
"Hey you all, everyone okay?" Dinah asked as she and Rene walked in.
"Yeah," William nodded.
"Okay, that's good," Dinah nodded.
Curtis walked in with Zoe.
"Dad!" Zoe ran up to rene and hugged him.
"Ah Zoe, are you okay?" He asked.
"Yeah I'm fine," she nodded, holding her head high.
"That's my girl," he smiled.
I can't help but think of Oliver in that moment. I mean him and William, him and Lauryssa. I miss him so so so much. I know it's stupid but, oliver has faked his death so many times, or been presumed dead so many times I can't help but think he isn't dead. He is coming back. He is coming back to me. But I don't know if it will ever happen. I blink my tears away. Oliver. Oh oliver.

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