Part 3

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I woke up in the morning and Kristen wasn't on the bed anymore. I guess she had left.  She probably didn't want to be near me anymore. I got up and went to use the bathroom.  I walked past the mirror and saw something on my sleeve.  I had completely forgotten since I didn't bandage the cuts, the blood was going to leak through onto whatever I was wearing and I had worn Todd's merch! (Todd's merch is white if you don't know so there was a red mark on it).  I was extremely relieved that I had noticed before anyone else could.  I grabbed some of my own black merch and put that on.  I walked over to the bed and, sure enough, there was some blood on our white sheets and blankets.  I grabbed a wet paper towel and cleaned that off.  I made the bed and walked into the kitchen to get some food.  
David walked up to me with his video camera and I just mumbled "Better not record me.  You'll lose subscribers because any Scotty is too much Scotty"
David just laughed and said "pshhhhhh.  I am clearly in desperate need of something to record" he joked.  I knew he was joking.  Or, more, I thought he was joking.  I KNEW, on the other hand, that he was not joking.  I did the usual, I made some "Jokes" and "pretended" to be depressed so David had his content and laughs and he would leave me alone.  


When I went over to Scotty, he made a joke that wasn't...something about it was  He has said those words before but he usually says it loud enough for the camera to hear and with a goofy smile on his face.  This time, he just mumbled that I better not record him.  He made his usual jokes.  Again, they were extremely off-putting.  Almost as off-putting as Gabbie (a/n: lol sorry, but like, david would make that joke).  He said them gloomily without a smile.  Sometimes he says it like that and when I laugh, a small smile appears on his face.  One that he tries to hold back for the act.  Sometimes he just laughs as if to assure us, he's fine. Only, this time, he's clearly NOT fine.  I go to Kristen, even though I know I could just be overthinking it.  I want to ask scotty if I can see his wrist but I know, cuts or not, he won't like that I don't trust him and if there aren't cuts, it could make him not like me and for no gain.  So I come to Kristen with my concerns


I was talking to Liza when David, solemnly, walked in.  
"Kristen, can I speak with you?"
I looked up to acknowledge him.  He didn't talk.  I said "sure".  He waited some seconds before saying "in private".  

He looked at Liza and said "I'll tell you later, if it becomes a problem
As I follow him out of the room, he leads me to the bathroom.  He shuts the door and looks at me"I think Scotty is depressed.  He hasn't been himself lately.  He made depressed jokes but he was serious this time, I could tell.  I felt like he might be self-harming but I know if I ask to see his wrist, with or without cuts, he won't like that I don't trust him and it could damage our friendship.  Plus if there are no cuts, it could be for no reason.  Please try to figure it out"

My jaw just dropped.  "I noticed.  He's been distant with me lately.  I will do everything in my power to 1) find out what's going on and 2) do something about it" 
"Thank you so much.  If it's serious, let me know, and can I tell Liza? I want her to know that I tell her things.  So if it's serious, let me know and then I'll tell Liza if you want me to.  I don't want her to think I don't trust her.  Like, I want her to know that I tell her everything still" David said 
"I totally understand"



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