chapter 1:We first meet

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I woke up and got dressed then I brushed my teeth,brushed my hair and stuck it up words with hair gell and rushed down stairs got my backpack.

I went to to the coffee shop and got my usual hot lote with whip cream.

"oh crap I'm going to be late for school".

(time skips to school)

I ran to class as fast as I could and sat down "late again Len" the teacher said to me."sorry I woke up late"I said

the teacher kept staring at me it was creeping me out.

"class I'd like you to meet Rin" everybody said hi because that's what we have to do in this class.


I looked around the class trying to find a place to sit

but the only seat was next to some people that kept staring at me it was creepy ~sigh~ I went to go sit down

when this kid next to me kept leaning over near me "can I help you"I asked him but he didn't say anything "excuse me" he finally said something "oh sorry my name is Len"he said holding his hand out.

I looked at his hand thinking if I should shake it or not then I decided to shake it. he had a tight grip. "ouch" I said

"sorry"he said letting go of my hand.

I kind of blushed rubbing the back of my head.

but he couldn't  stop staring at me.


"wow I can't stop staring at her she's so pretty"I thought

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