chapter 5: the punishment

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hey sorry I haven't written in a while I was busy with friends and doing crappy shopping so yeah well let the story continue


my emotions where confusing me I was scared but yet sad but at times I was angry and I didn't know what to do I sat thee looking down and my hair covered my face so you couldn't see my emotions on face.

then I hear "Len its not your fault" Rin was trying to make me feel better and it usually work but this time it didn't, I let my emotions control me "no" I said in a whisper  "what"she said to me then my anger kicked in "NO ITS MY FAULT WHERE HERE RIN ITS ALL MY FAULT"I said while a tear came down my cheek "Len its not your fault don't blame yourself please"Rin said in a teary voice "I'm sorry Rin but its true if I didn't take us to the tree house then we wouldn't be here"I said to her my scared side of me disappeared now I was angry and sad.

"oh stop with all the mushy talk"the man said.

I looked up at him all angry then I said something that made the man jump back a little "HOW ABOUT YOU STOP KIDNAPPING KIDS YOU BIG JERK MABY YOU WOULD BE HAPPY IF YPU HADE SOMEONE TO LOVE INSTEAD OF BEING A LONER YOU FOOL"I screamed at him in a angry voice. Rin was even crying because I usually don't yell like that "I'm sorry Rin I didn't mean to scare you"I said in a whisper loud enough for  her to hear, then a tear fell from my cheek.


I was shocked on what Len said to the man I started to cry a little cause that's what I do when I get scared from people yelling like that but its never happened to me when Len yells but this time was different its like something hit Len to make him say that, then he apologized to me in a whisper loud enough to hear "i-i-its o-ok L-L-Len"I said studering. then he started to cry to I tryed to grab his hand but I couldn't my arms where to short then he grapes my hand I looked at him but he was still looking down on the ground.


"what should I do the kid was right if maby had someone to care for I would stop kidnapping people"I asked myself "oh fine" I said out loud on accident but nobody herd me, so I grabbed some plyers from the table and went of to them and cut the wire and they fell to the ground "this is a warning but remember I will still be watching you"i said to them.


I ran over to Len who was knocked out on the ground "L-Len w-wake u-up" I said shaking Len "ouch"Len said getting up with his hand on his head  "LEN OH MY LENNY" I said jumping up and hugging him he hugged back "calm down Rin"he said laughing and so was i, I looked over at the man who was just staring at us I walked over to him and gave him a hug "thank you"I said in a whisper to his ear he smiled then I broke the hug and went over to Len I grabbed is hand and we walked out.


I hoped you guys liked it I will update soon and sorry that it was really short.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2014 ⏰

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