Chapter 4: the run of our lives

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I woke up and found Rin lying on the floor I look around to see where I was and remembered that I was in are old

tree house,then I herd something and looked out the window it was really foggy so I had to sqint then I sawl

a shadow appear "oh no" "CRAP" I screamed I tried waking Rin up "COM'N WAKE UP PLEASE RIN" I said shaking her.


I woke up from Len shaking and screaming at me "WHAT" I yelled back "someone's coming" Len said to me.

I quickly got up from the floor and we rushed out of the tree house I ran as fast as I could "RIN WAIT UP I CANT  RUN THAT

FAST" I herd Len screaming at me then CCRRAASSHH "AAAAAAHHHHHH" I herd from behind me "LEN" I screamed

I tried  to find him but I was lost in the  middle of the woods then I sawl a limping shadow so I ran to it, then next thing

I know I was on the ground then I passed out.


I tried to keep up with Rin but she was to fast then BAMM I fell "AAAAAAHHHHHH" I screamed then I herd "LEN" and I knew

it was  Rin I tried to scream back but next thing I know I was hit by a needle "ouch" I said in a whisper then I was asleep.

I woke up and I was tied to a tree "what the heck" I said "wait RIN"I yelled "LEN is that you"I herd Rin say "yes yes"I said wile

a tear fell from my eyes "where are we Len im scared"I herd Rin say "its OK Rin I'm right here"I say to Rin then I herd

a voice.b


"muhaha"I chanted at them "what do you want"I herd the little girl say "I don't want anything its payback"I said in a

scrachy voice "what did we do"said the little boy "don't you remeber you trashed my house with your little pranks"I said "where sorry take what ever you want"said the boy "oh no I'm going to do way worse"I said

Rin and Len(fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora