chapter 2:The sad news

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I decided to wear something normal with my hair down over my face.

this time I didn't feel like  getting my coffee like usual so this time I just walked to school instead.

everybody kept staring at me in the halls "STOP STARING AT ME"I yelled

then I ran to class and sat down with my head on the table.

when someone taped me on the shoulder "hey are you ok Len"I looked up and sawl Rin standing there

she was wearing a sailors shirt same colors with short shorts that where black with yellow trim on the bottom

of them, with black knee sock.

for a minute I sat there staring at her then I got up and ignored her.


"hmm I wonder why he is ignoring me"

I finally found him sitting at the corner table by himself so I walked over by him and he just looked at me ran off

so I went to get him

I finally caught up to him and I grabbed the back of his shirt wile falling as he fell too.

"ouch" I said rubbing my head "are you OK" Len said quietly.


I didn't know how to tell her "Rin I'm moving"I said*cries* and I dashed off


"what he's moving" I have to stop him!

so I ran too his house and saw them packing "STOP"I yelled every one looked at me

then I found Len "Len if  you're leaving so am I "then I hugged him and kissed him on the cheek.


I blushed, "wow I feel different"I said to myself

"c'mon where leaving len "my mom said "NO MOM IM STAYING WITH RIN AND YOU'RE NOT CHANGING IT"

I said "fine we'll visit when its Christmas"my mom said to me then me and Rin walked home(Rins house)

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