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The cold metal dug into her skin as it scrapped relentlessly as she tugged on them. Blood seeped from the blisters that festered below the chains. Her cobalt blues stared longingly out the window as a light breeze gently cupped her face. Feeling the sea breeze and gazing out across the reflecting waters. It was her greatest desire. The desire to be free. One lone sigh escaped her lips before her body tensed. Footsteps echoed outside as they slapped the cement. The young girl scooted back against the wall as her scars scrapped against the cinder blocks.

Creak. There wasn't even a click as the door opened. Crack! A black slithering whip landed on the floor next to her feet. Her toes curled in away from the offensive object. "Turn around," his deep voice hissed through his black mask.

Unfortunately, her body refused to move even as she willed it to. She knew resistance only aggravated them. They were worse when she disobeyed. His leathery hands grabbed the chain connected to her wrists making the blisters pop. Liquid oozed down her arm as the pain currents raced down her arm to her spine. A whimper released from her thin lips. The chain metal screeched against the wall while dragging her body up. Without warning, he flipped her so her may have perfect access to her back. Rewrapping his hand around the hilt to his whip, he stepped to her left side.

It only took a flick of his wrist to increase the damage marred on her back. "You are a worthless creature. Why do you think we punish you so? It is because you have no purpose." Another lashing with so much force she bit her tongue to hid the scream. Screaming was bad. Screaming led to more torture. "Feel that? You are weak. You will never save yourself from this punishment. You deserve every blister and screech stuck in the back of that nasty throat of yours. When you have no contribution to society, there is no need for you."

She knew better than to say, 'then why don't you get rid of me?' They wanted to inflict harm on her because that was what her existence did to them. One less person to grow the crops or rub medicine on a wound. She could nothing that was productive for the community so they let out their aggression on her. One more person, such as herself, could change their whole lifestyle and increase the chances of living yet that was not her. She was worthless. She was nothing. A blank in society, It was their duty to punish her for her worthlessness.

Down in the deep tunnels of the castle were four men and a woman sidestepping a puddle. A leak in the pipes needed fixing. The footsteps disappeared into the dark void around them. One of them snapped his finger to create light in his hand.

"What is our mission again?" the earth elemental asked as his nerves thundered in his gut.

There was an exasperated sigh from the wind elemental as she turned around. "We are to save Arianna, the water elemental, from the prison."

"Who is Arianna again? And, why are we doing this?" He couldn't remember anything from the meeting partly because he was asleep for most of it.

"She is the creator of this island. The very first water elemental but was captured by the earth elemental when the civil war broke out. He knew she could wipe out this whole island with her powers and lead the people to her will so he locked her up."

"Wasn't that a thousand years ago?" This time their own water elemental spoke up.

"Yes, which is why we need her because the earth elemental rein has gone on long enough. Their tyranny is outrageous. Now stop asking questions and get a move on." The female stomped yet there was no sound as her feet technically never touched the ground. As she passed, the fire elemental smirked as she passed. She was too easy to annoy.

Above them, the renowned water elemental whimpered in fear as the lashes snapped against her skin. Breathing in the salty air, she tried to picture herself floating in the ocean. Feel the water lap against her face except there were only tears sliding down hers.

There was a screeching of metal before she found herself slammed against the cement wall once again. Only this time the guard's weight suffocated her. "Oh my gosh! Get the door off them! We're supposed to rescue her, not kill her you maniac!!" A female screech echoed in the room; it was a screech almost similar to the one of metal running against metal.

Suddenly, the girl found herself free from the door and the guard. Two males peacefully laid her hand in theirs. The metal melted off her festering skin. Then, there was a growl before a cool sensation skimmed down her back. Water. Before she could understand what was happening, she found herself in the arms of a male. The female whispered words and then they were floating. She was flying.

Zipping out the broken door, they crashed through a glass wall. Or maybe a window but the girl has never seen a window that large before. It simply couldn't be possible. The society didn't have technology for that yet. Her cobalt blue eyes noticed the many buildings below them and strangely enough, the peace. There was no fighting, no blood, no weapons. Did they move the battlefield yet again? Her thoughts did not last long as the ocean came into view.

The water reflected the sun as large waves crashed against the rocky shores. She was free. She was free. The cold feel of the water called out to her, begging her to succumb to it's depths. She was finally free.

A/N Should I make this a prologue for a new book?    

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