0.2~ ugh school

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Hello. First chapter yayaya!! Hope you like!

~Millies POV~

As I walked out of the car I looked up into the sky. It was dark, around 10. I looked over to the house. I couldn't really see it. All I saw was a dark shadow. Yea that's how I feel. I thought to myself

My family and I moved here to Canada for "better opportunities" and stuff like that. I know Canada is pretty, but other than that I don't know what's so good about it.

"Millie can you help me with these bags please!" MY mom softly yelled. I turned to look at her. I sighed, but I walked over. I grabbed the bags and some other luggage that we honestly don't even need and started heading to the house. I went to my dad and asked for the key. He gave it to me and I trotted to the door. I unlocked it and flicked the light switch on. The light flashed my eyes but I got used to it.

"Whoa." I said surprised as I walked in getting deeper into the house. It was way bigger than I imagined. I set the bags down to where I thought was the kitchen and walked back to i guess the living room area. I stared exploring until I saw the stairs. I started climbing up the stairs. My parents told me that I could choose what room I wanted. I peeked my head into the first door to the right. It was nice, but too small. I'm guessing it's the guest room. I walked In more and saw another door to the left, it was the bathroom. I saw more rooms until I finally saw one that peeked my interest. It was pretty big but not huge. It had a big window and a big closet. It was just right for me. I put my own stuff down and walked back downstairs. I saw my little sister Ava dangling to my brother Charlie's leg. Then my older sister Paige popped her head inside and signaled me to go over to her. I did.

"Where mum and dad." She asked me. I looked around

"I don't know. I mean it's a pretty big house they can be anywhere." I told her

"Well look for them would you. I need there help to move the couch inside."

"Oof ok fine." I said as I went along searching for my parents. As I passed the kitchen I saw a little closet. It was like, almost hidden. I shrugged and kept looking. I finally found them in the backyard. It was a really big yard.

"Wow it's really nice." I said as I got closer to them

"Ya it is. It's really nice." My mum said as she turned her head around

"Look over there" my dad said pointing to something to the right. I looked and there was a pool and a jacuzzi. Then I saw that there was even a hot tub

"Omg no way!" I said excitedly

"Ya. It's very nice my dad said

" ya so um, anyways, Paige is looking for you guys. She needs your help moving a couch or something."

"Oh ok. But why doesn't Charlie help her?" MY dad asked

"Because he's with Ava."

"Ok ok. Well go in a minute." My dad said as I sighed once agin and walked back inside

The ready of the night was pretty busy. We moved things in and put them where they went. Finally we settled down on our not fully set up yet table and had some cereal since we didn't have anything else to eat.

"Millie it's getting late you should probably go to sleep now since your going to go to school tomorrow." My mum said and I groaned

"But mum we just get here and your already going to school!" I said upset

"Yes Millie. So hurry up and go to sleep."

I finished my food and went upstairs to brush my teeth. I walked into my room and laid on my to made bed. I sighed. What if I don't make any friends. WhT if no one likes me. Oh I miss my old friends. All these thoughts went through my brain as I fell asleep.

Ok I'm sorry that was a bad chapter that isn't even exciting or nothing but I just had to let you know that was going on. And also I know that Charlie ( Millie older brother ) is like in his 20s but in this story we're going to pretend he's like 18 or something just so that the story line can make sense. Ok well I'm tired. Goodnight ily all - b 😴🥀♥️

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