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Vampire on Human Sexual Harassment
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Once they walked up the walkway the vampire inside the house opened the door for them. Taylor looked around the home from the doorway. There were high ceilings, dark woods and wealth throughout the space that she could see. The front room could fit her whole apartment in the corner and the rest of the floor that she lived on in the remaining space. Ancient paintings lined the walls along the hallway. Taylor assumed that they were Alec's relatives. She did not know many humans had canines that long.

Alec walked into the house pulling Taylor with him because he still held her hand. She was too preoccupied with the beauty of his home to care at the moment. She just wanted to see where she would be living for a couple of months.

They walked past the gray-haired looking vampire smiling and nodding at them. Alec returned his nod and led Taylor towards a seating area. Howard studied the human from behind trying to place her scent. He was not sure about her presence here. Alec had been living as a monk for decades because of his royal obligations to father the next heirs to the throne. He would not taint his families blood with a human. The frustrated vampire sighed at the door and then followed his prince and his guest.

Taylor's eyes danced around the well-lit front room. She knew that she could not stick her fingers through these walls to unlock a door from the outside. There weren't any cracks in the plaster or water spots on the ceiling. She would not need to stretch every morning to make sure that she was limber enough to jump over brown puddles of water or outrun creatures that made their way into the open security door and broken windows. The only place in her apartment that was safe was the bathroom. Taylor kept it clean and secure because she slept there. She would always eat somewhere else while she saved up her money. Now she would have to rely on this vampire to house her and get her to work on time.

"Please sit,"

Taylor looked over at her rescuer and captor and then sat down on the offered seat. Alec sat beside her despite the scowl on her face. Taylor tried to pull her hand away, but Alec just smirked at her and looked over at Howard as he sat in a chair across from them.

"So cousin, what do I owe for this visit?"

Alec raised an eyebrow. "That depends on you, Howard, what have you been doing?"

Howard chuckled. "Nothing, I have done nothing to warrant a summons I know that."

Taylor felt the thumb of the vampire slowly caress back of her hand. She looked down at the action and then looked up at Alec, but he ignored her.

"What about that piece of shit building that sits on Corrii land and houses about 100 humans. You know the owner Ronald, right?"

Taylor turned her head and saw the golden eyes of Howard look towards her. He recognized her now. "I know of the human, but I have done nothing to harm him or anyone that lives there."

Alec stared at his cousin and then smiled. "You are right Howard you have done nothing to help anyone. Did you see the living conditions that these humans endure Howard? Your job was seeing to our holding in this district, but instead of doing that you allowed this human Ronald to exploit his tenants. You took their blood as payment for your protection of Ronald."

Just as Taylor predicted, Howards glared at her. "Is that what she told you?"

She wanted to dispute his words, but no sound came from her lips. Taylor touched her throat and looked up at her vampire captor. What was he doing to her now? He slightly shook his head at her and then Taylor knew that he knew how Howard's mind worked. Alec knew that this vampire Howard would never tell the truth.

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