The Call that changed my life

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*dan howell voice*
yo bitch you're getting a phone call pick up the phone bitch

oh how I loved my phones alarm.
I had loved dan since i had seen his first video.

I rolled over to answer my phone.
Smiling to myself as i remembered my dream it was about phil and dan and how we became friends and all shared a flat.
I tried not to sound like a complete zombie but this was difficult as it was really early for me. It wasn't actually early but 12 in my books is early so...

"hello! This is Adam from the bbc I am calling in regards to your application"
My heart skipped a beat.
I had applied for a job at the bbc radio station but I never imagined i would get a call back from them.
"Yes hello Adam, how can i help you?"
"We read your application and we think you would be perfect for the job!"
"oh oh my god thank you so much!"
"your welcome darling! Are you able to start this sunday? That will be when your show will be on"
"Yes i can total be there thank you so much!"
"See you then have a nice week"
"Bye thank you!"

I could barley breathe.
My dream was coming true.

I needed to tell someone
I quickly wrote out a blog post to my followers on instagram promising to try and get pics of dan and phil for them.
My followers had always been so supportive of me.
Well most of them...

Minutes after posting they exploded with excitement for me
I replied to all of them saying thank you and promising to post the pictures asap.

hello did you guys like it pls leave comments ❤️❤️thanks for reading

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