The first day pt1

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Well today is the day..
Im so nervous I could just hydro pump everywhere.
I had to make up a script because i was so nervous.
Picking out clothes today was the hardest its ever been.. I finally just decided on black skinny jeans vans and a Muse shirt.
Praying to god I didn't mess up to much I left my flat and headed to the bbc.

Dan's pov

"Phil I haven't been this nervous for our radio show in ages"
"Dan relax our show isn't for a few hours want to watch your crush's broad cast"
A blush would be an understatement to the colour I turned.

I logged onto the bbc site and waited to see her beautiful face
Hello bbc radio listeners!
Im your new radio host for 6-7 Sunday nights.
I have a youtube channel 'adventurousadventures' if you would like to know more about me.

But noowww we have a song request from Emily on facebook here is "shes so perfect by 5sauce"

That wasnt that bad at all.
I can do this!

Dan's pov

She is so perfect...

"umm Dan your talking aloud you know that right?"
"oh sorry..."
"no dan I think its cute you like her"

hey guys c:
so do you like this so far?
leave a comment letting me know

<sorry its short more wednesday>

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