20 years later

35 3 1

We were such silly children. Falling in love at such a young age; it could have gone so wrong. But falling in love with Dan was the best mistake I ever made.

Its been a cold November, Phil drops by quite often with Ella and his wife Ëm. Dan and I are expecting our first child in a week. We've decided to let the gender be a surprise.

I'm very excited for my first child and Dan can hardly wait.

I have managed to get a job as a computer blog designer for teens and Dan still does a casual once a month video. He talked about doing daily vlogs when our baby is born which I think is a lovely idea.

*1weeks later*

Dan.... the baby our baby its coming

"Okay no need to worry umm ah get in the car"

He was so pale even paler than Phil which is hard to accomplish.

I got in the car and began to just deal with a baby begin force out of me for six hours.

But it was all worth it

"Shes gorgeous just like her mum"

He had tears falling down his face and a look of pure happiness that shone through the whole room.

On november 18, 2013

Becca Rose Howell was born

8 pounds 6 ounces



the end c: (officially)

i got all warm and fuzzy while writing this ^-^ anyway i hope you enjoyed reading this

bye for now

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