Chapter 4

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"No shit Sherlock" Betty sarcastically answers to Veronica

"It's that really you?!?" She questions me

"Yeah I'm sure this is me" I chuckle

"Wow. I did not expect you" she tells me

"What did you expect?" I chuckle

"I actually don't know" she chuckled, and truth be told I did not expect such a pretty girl either, that blonde hair, green eyes, and her smile... Just Beautiful.

"You betty, are actually really pretty.." I nervously said. Oh lord I said that, I am dead, she is never going to talk to me ever again—
"Thanks jug..." she blushed, wait did I just made her blush, I know I'm 21 but I sure act like a 16 one.
I just smiled at her because clearly my mind could not get think of what else to do. There was a awkward silence when Cheryl breaks it
"Well then Veronica lets go and leave Betty to talk to her friend" she said getting off the couch to god knows where
"Yeah Cheryl lets go, bye baby b" Veronica waves at her getting out of the living room, shutting the door behind her, Betty smiled, honestly her smile may be just one of the prettiest things I have ever seen, the first one  it was of course her.

"I didn't really think our first video chat would be by Omegle" she laughed
"I didn't think either" I respond to her laughing
"Its fate!" She jokes, holding a finger up in the air, I just laugh
"It is" I mock, she giggles

"Dude, let me use your computer, your are clearly hording mine" Archie says
"Hell no I will not, last time I let you use my computer you almost dropped it, take yours" I say to Archie, turning my gaze back at Betty
"I'll call you later Betty, let me just get my computer, I need to give his computer back to my dumass of a friend" I say
"I heard that!!" Archie shouts
"That's why You are my best friend, and you know I still love you bro" I shout back almost breaking down laughing
"Aww bro" Archie jokes

I hear Betty start laughing at me and my best friends humor
"Okay jug, bye!" She says
"Bye baby b" I mock Veronica, Betty just laughs and I laugh too, we say our goodbyes and end the Omegle call

"Bro you totally like her" Archie suddenly says, I raise an eyebrow at him
"Dude, I met her not even 24 hours ago" I say clearly stating facts
"So? You do believe in live at first sight" Archie waves a hand in the air, the Shakespeare kind of way
"When did I tell you I believed in that?" I ask clearly confused
"Last week bro, and I quote "I in fact believe in love at first sight arch, I believe that there is a girl in the world with the one that you just look at and fall in love with" and don't get me wrong jug, buttttttt you are clearly getting the feels for her" Archie says to me, I scoff and can't hide the smile that creeps up at my face
"Whatever babe" I joke with my most girly voice
"Ughhh" archie jokes too
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