Chapter 8

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Time skip to Saturday

I couldn't believe that I was meeting jughead in less than a week! I am sooo exited to actually meet him, I know people say internet people sometimes aren't who they say they are I mean they can be scammers, serial killers, or rapists, but that is not the case with jughead, he is incredibly sweet and I'm so lucky to have him as my best friend.

They're honestly no words to describe how much I love jug, he is an amazing best friend, even through we haven't met I can tell that he will continue to be equally as sweet.

Today I have my flight to New York,
"I love you mom, dad, Polly and chic" I said to them before getting into my plane

"We Love you to, remember to call us when you get there" Polly said to me a few tears escaping her eyes, I smiled at Polly

"Betty I need to talk to you" Polly adds pulling me to a corner I shrug in confusion, and start talking to her

"What's up Polly?" I ask

"Okay betty, I know you are meeting jughead sunday, and I know you like him and he likes you To, soo please when you get together with him HAVE PROTECTED SEX" She whisper-screams the last words and before I can say anything she pushes me out, I wave to my family and start waking to the line before boarding the plane.

When I'm going to the line, I take my phone out, and start calling Jughead dto say to him that I'm boarding the plane, I stick a finger in the air to Ronnie and Cheryl telling them to be quiet and start talking once he answers

"Hey jug!" I say

"Hey betts!!" He responds

"I'm boarding the plane and will be at the airport in like 20 hours okay?, meet me there, I can't wait to meet you!" I tell him

"me too betty!! I cant wait, I'll see you there betts bye!" He says to me, I tell him
Good bye too and end the call

"Where you talking too your boyfriend Betty? Cheryl says winking at me, I just roll my eyes

"I'll take that as a yes" she mumbles

When we are in the plane, I start getting anxiety, something that is not strange to me anymore, I start breathing heavily and I feel a hand go trough mine, I get my eyes of my lap to take my gaze back at Veronica who squeezes my hand again and smiles. I live that about Veronica, not just that we are best friends but that she knows when anxiety creeps in, and takes control of me.

I fall asleep with jughead, Cheryl and Veronica in my mind.

"Betts wake up" Veronica shakes me awake "we're here!"

I groan and try to get up from my sleeping position,

"You're going to meet jughead in like 5min....!" She says, knowing that will wake me up, and she sure is right because I get up from my seat and start walking out of the plane, I suddenly feel and urge to fall but I take a deep breath and notice it's just nerves, that I finally get to meet my best friend. I actually never thought I would meet him, but look! Here I am getting of a plane, less than 2 miles away from my best friend

"Ready betty?" Cheryl says giving me a smile

"Yeah.." I say taking another deep breath

When we get to the indoor airport, I search for a grey beanie, when I find i let out a sob, and run towards it.....

I know I'm fucking cruel for leaving you guys in a cliffhanger!! But don't you guys worry next update will be uploaded Thursday or maybe Wednesday (tomorrow) just you guys wait because next chapter may be the best chapter yet.....


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