Chpt. 2: Secret Revealed

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The 8:20 AM bell rang, signalling that there were only ten more minutes before school started. Since I'm a year older than Chaeng and Tzuyu, I'd be separated from them in class. Man, this sucks.

I walked into class, around five minutes early. Surprisingly, a lot of people were already here. Well, figures, you'd want to get a good seat. I quickly scanned the room to see if there were any good seats left, and saw just one. I rushed to the last decent seat as fast as possible, before someone else took it.

Whew, I got it. That's a good start, I suppose.

I unslung my backpack, getting my stuff out. Hmm... Well, this is awkward... Everyone here knows at least one person, while I'm just sitting here...

I take out my notebook, the one I always use to write down chords or lyrics that I like when I'm nervous. Can't think of any, though... Maybe it's because I'm on high-alert. Ahhhh, I wish Chaeyoung and Tzuyu was here...

My seat is in the second-last row, and is the second-last seat to the right. As class begins, I look at the people sitting beside and in front of me. Always take in your surroundings, as my late master used to say.

Ah, have I not told you guys yet?


I'm a member of the clan "Ryuu", a group known for its members each possessing one unique talent/power, two if you're really special.

Parents usually tell their kids that they're special, don't they?

You don't want to be special, in my case.

Unfortunately, that"s exactly what I am.


I had to transfer schools because of this speciality- I'd better not have to again.

Everyone who is born into/ a part of The Ryuu naturally has the spirit of a dragon somewhere in them, but not everyone can break free and access this power at will. However, not only was I born with two advantages, but I am also the grand-daughter of the Founder of The Ryuu. I suppose that's why I got extensive training, and can now summon it at will.

There are advantages to being a member of The Ryuu, however the consequences/disadvantages are also huge. Dragon-spirits, as we're called, heal much more quickly than regular humans. However, we tire out faster (less stamina), are hurt more easily, and have worse reflexes than the average mortal. These don't come in handy at all when in battle.

Chaeyoung and Tzuyu are the only ones besides my family and The Ryuu who know of this, and they intend to keep it a secret.

Flashback- The Night Before
Tzuyu: Unnie, are you sure you'll be ok?
Dahyun: I'll be fine. Just have to play it safe. No biggie.
Tzuyu: ... ok... but what if you get cau-
Dahyun: I won't get caught. I promise.
-Dahyun smiles confidently at Tzuyu, making her feel a little less burdened-
Tzuyu: Ok, unnie... always tell us what happens at school, though.
Dahyun: Course!

Chaeyoung: Unnie!
Dahyun: Hmm?
Chaeyoung: Stay safe tomorrow! Don't get found out.
Dahyun: I won't. How long have I been staying in hiding for? I'll be fine, Chae.
Chaeyoung: Ok, but you can always rely on me and Tzuyu! ^^
Dahyun: Thanks, Chaeyoung.

-back to the present-

The two abilities I was born with are:
-the essence of Sapphire
-heightened instincts/reflexes.

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