Chpt. 6: Hiding

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Wow... She fell asleep, just like that?? Well, I guess that's to be expected. That looked like it drained a lot of energy from her.

~time skip: the evening~

Dahyun's still sleeping and Tzuyu went to bed a couple hours early to get extra rest, so now it's just me and Jeongyeon awake.

"This is all so crazy," I mumble thoughtlessly.


I look over to see Jeongyeon staring at me.

"Oh, nothing. Hahah..." I laugh nervously. "Should we get to bed as well? No sense in staying up late."

"Sure." She replies.

We both get up to brush our teeth and wash our faces.

Man, it's lucky my parents went on vacation at this exact time... Otherwise, things could've gone bad.

As I walk back into my room, it looks like a tornado hit only my bedroom, and then a tsunami washed away half my things.

No, that was an exaggeration. It's only Chaeyoung, Tzuyu, and Dahyun's bodies just sleeping on my bed and on the floor.

I should get them blankets, I guess.

I tuck Chaeyoung into my bed properly, so the covers are actually over her. Then, I gently move Tzuyu over to sleep next to Jeongyeon, and lay a blanket on the floor beside Dahyun for me to sleep on.


"Should I turn the lights off?"

"Sure," Jeongyeon replies.

"Ok." I get up to shut off the lights.

"Good night."


~time skip: 1:00 AM~

I can't sleep... So much has happened, and I still haven't processed it all. Dahyun's a dragon-spirit?? Man...

I turn over onto my other side, the side that faces Dahyun.


In the small amount of light there is, I swear I can see something on Dahyun's cheek?

I squint my eyes as I try to adjust my vision to the darkness.

It's moving...?

Is she crying in her sleep??

Poor Dahyun... Must be hard on her, having both her friends severely hurt on the same day, as well as having to conceal her identity. I should go easy on her.

She suddenly mumbles something and turns to face away from me, leaving me to dwell in my own thoughts once again.

~time skip: the next morning~

Ack, my head. What time is it...

Oh crap.

I bolt up automatically, reaching for my concealed knife that I don't have. A shame.

And why do my eyes hurt like hell??

"Finally up, huh."

I see Sana sitting on the bed where Chaeyoung's sleeping, looking at me.

Jeongyeon is nowhere to be seen, Tzuyu's in the bathroom, and Chaeng's still out cold.

"What time is it?!" I ask frantically.

"Chill. We're not going to school anyways. I called the office."

"Um... And you convinced them how?"

"Oh. I just impersonated my mom's voice. It was pretty easy."


I rub my eyes. Damn, they really hurt. Did something happen?

Sana slides off the bed and cautiously sits next to me.

"Hey... You okay?" She asks me tentatively.

"Yeah... I'm fine. Why?"

"Well, um..." Sana gestures at my eyes.
"You were crying pretty heavily last night..."

That's why my eyes hurt??

"W-wait, I cried? And you saw me??"

Idiot. Stupid. Oh my god Dahyun. Number One Rule: Don't show any signs of weakness when in the presence of an enemy or non-trusted being.

Sana suddenly wraps her arms around me and rests my head on her shoulder.


"It's okay, Dahyun-ah. Let it out. Let it all out."

As if on command, tears start streaming down my cheeks. They start slowly, and then eventually I'm crying my eyes out.

"Tell me what's wrong, Dahyun. It's alright, shhh, it's okay.

Can I trust Sana...? What if she's an enemy...
I want to stay on alert, but apparently my mouth and mind has other plans. Just like that, I open up to her.

"-sniff- I mean... If I just didn't have these powers, none of this would've happened... -sniff- And now Tzuyu and Chaeyoung are hurt, and who knows when Chaengie'll wake up, and-and it's all my fault, and I'm being hunted endlessly, having to run for my life every time I stand out or show any signs of being a dragon-spirit, and-and-"
I break down and sob into Sana's shoulder.

"Aww... It's okay, Dahyun-ah... Don't worry, Chaeyoung will wake up. She's strong, she wouldn't leave you and Tzuyu. Don't stress over it, just relax."

I sniff again.
"Thanks, Sana-unnie."

I see her face light up happily at hearing me say 'unnie' to her.

{Small Note: When someone calls the other person (has to be younger to older girl) unnie in Korea, it is an endearing form of addressing an older girl. It also means you are close with them-
Ex: You (assuming you're a girl) would call your older sister 'unnie', and you would also call a friend of yours who is 2 years older than you 'unnie'. You would not call a stranger who you just met and happens to be an older girl 'unnie'. Anyways, back to the story! ^^}

Sana comforts me for what seems an eternity, before Tzuyu comes out of the bathroom to see us sitting side-by-side, my head resting on her shoulder.

Heyoo! Hope you enjoyed that chapter. I know it was a bit long, sorry ^^ I'll try to keep it shorter next time :)

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