Chapter 4: Advice and Surprises

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He left the house and drove off in his Mustang towards the office of his good friend and godfather, Nicholas, who happened to be the mayor of the city. Jason was hoping he would be able to give him some advice on what to do in his situation. After all, Nick had never steered him wrong before.

When he arrived at the office, he walked right up to the front desk and was greeted by Nick's secretary.

“Hello there, Jason,” she said. “Here to see Nicholas, I presume?”

“Yes, Natasha,” Jason replied. “Is he in?”

“He just got back from lunch,” Natasha replied. “I'll page him. Go on ahead in.”

“Thanks,” Jason said.

He walked through the double-doors that led to Nick's office, nodding towards anybody that greeted him. He had been here enough times that everyone knew him by now. He made sure his lightsabers were hidden from view, though, not wanting anybody to know that he was a Jedi. He walked up to Nick's office door and knocked.

“Jason, it's good to see you,” Nick said as he answered the door. “Come in, come in. What can I help you with?”

“It's something kinda personal,” Jason said as he sat down in the chair across from Nick's desk. “It may seem like something out of a science-fiction novel, but I need to explain some background info before I tell you my situation.”

“By all means, go ahead,” Nick said.

“Well,” Jason began, “for starters, I am what you would call a 'Jedi'.”

“Really?” Nick asked. “I should have known.”

“You know of the Jedi?” Jason asked, surprised.

“Of course,” Nick answered. “I have been aware of the Jedi's existence for a long time now, and they've even come to me on several occasions since I became mayor.”

“What?” Jason asked.

“Yes,” Nick answered. “It has mainly been either one of two individuals. Perhaps you know them. One goes by the title of Jedi Grand Master Eric.”

“Yes, I know him,” Jason said, immediately looking down for a few seconds. “Who's the other one?”

“A Jedi about your age,” Nick said. “I believe he said his name was Paul. He said that he knows you.”

“Paul's been here?” Jason asked.

“Yes,” Nick answered. “Paul has expressed a lot of admiration for your skills, but also worry.”

“He always worries,” Jason replied, shrugging off the comment. “There's no need to be worried. Anyway, knowing that you know of the Jedi makes things a lot easier for me to explain.”

“Then, by all means, tell me,” Nick said.

“Well,” Jason said, “the Jedi Council doesn't believe I am ready to become a Jedi Knight. As of right now, I'm still just a Jedi Apprentice, or Padawan, as some say, but I beat Paul, my Master, in a lightsaber duel. If that doesn't show them that I'm capable of becoming a Jedi Knight, I don't know what will.”

“Did they say that you needed to do anything else?” Nick asked.

“That's my problem,” Jason answered. “The thing they asked me to do is something I can't do. They want me to be willing to separate the bond I have with everyone I know, except for other Jedi.”

“That is a problem,” Nick said. “They're asking an awful lot of you.”

“Yeah, especially considering I just got back together with Michelle,” Jason blurted out. As soon as he said this, though, he slapped his hand over his mouth. “I didn't just say that.”

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