Chapter 6: Denied

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On their way out, Paul was silent. They quickly took care of the two guards and went back to their cars, driving to the Jedi Temple to meet with the Council. When they arrived at the Temple, Paul was still silent, and Jason decided to try to talk to him while they were heading in to report to the Council.

“Paul, listen,” Jason began, “about what you saw in there...”

“Forget it,” Paul interrupted. “It's unimportant.”

“No,” Jason said. “No, it's not. I can tell that it's bothering you.”

Paul sighed, then spoke. “I've never seen you like that,” he said. “Your eyes...”

“What about them?” Jason asked, curious.

“They were black,” Paul said, looking directly into Jason's eyes to emphasize the point. “Black, Jason. I've never seen that happen, with ANYONE! Nobody, not even Sith Lords, have ever had black eyes. They're always that yellow and red color.”

“So?” Jason said. “What has that got to do with anything?”

“Jason, do you know what this means?” Paul asked.

“Not really,” Jason said. “I never looked into it. My eyes have never gone black before.”

“It means you've completely lost control,” Paul said. “Your anger is completely in control of you. You no longer have any control over yourself, and you end up doing things you wouldn't normally do. I'm surprised you were able to regain control over yourself.”

“That was hard,” Jason said. “The only reason I was able to get back in control was because I knew I wasn't acting like a Jedi. Deep down, I knew you were right, so I used that to regain control.”

“I'm glad to hear that,” Paul replied.

“You're not going to...” Jason began.

“No,” Paul said. “The Jedi Council doesn't need to know about that. If it happens again, however, they will find out.”

“Fair enough,” Jason replied.

They walked up to the doors of the Council Chambers just then, where Paul knocked. Upon hearing Eric say “enter,” they looked at each other, nodded, and entered, walking towards the center of the circular room, bowing.

“Our mission was a success,” Paul said as he and Jason straightened. “I witnessed Jason finish off Darth Solvas myself.”

“Then his training is now...” Eric began.

“Wait,” Vincent interjected. “Exactly what happened?”

Jason's eyes widened at the question, but he maintained his internal calmness.

“What do you mean?” Paul asked.

“What happened in the battle with Darth Solvas?” Vincent asked. “Exactly how was she indisposed?”

“Allow me to answer,” Jason said, looking over at his master after saying this. Paul nodded, and Jason continued. “We were originally not going to say anything about the details of the fight, but it would seem this is unavoidable. You see, when I engaged Darth Solvas, I discovered her true identity as someone I once knew, someone who had wronged me in the past. I was angry, and I gave in. I attacked her out of anger, furious because of the things she had done to me and the things I knew that she planned to do. She taunted me, telling me to give in to my anger, trying to convince me to join the Sith. I reacted instinctively and, in my rage, I lost control. I no longer had any control over myself. Paul entered the room at this point, having disposed of the Sith Acolyte that had engaged us beforehand. He saw my rage and tried convincing me to calm down. At first it didn't work, as I had continued the fight anyway, in which I destroyed Darth Solvas' lightsaber and cut off her arms in one move. I had her at my mercy, my lightsabers crossed at her neck. Paul once again pleaded with me to calm down, and this time, it worked. Despite my rage and anger, I was able to find my inner peace, my inner focus, and let it reach the surface once more. I was still angry, but I was once again in control, and I didn't let it get the best of me again. Paul told me that we should take her prisoner, make her talk, make her tell us who Darth Mortem was, but after her saying that she'd never talk, I knew that she would be of no use and that she was too dangerous to be kept alive, considering she could always be given cybernetic arms. So, I decapitated her, ending the battle and her life. I know it was not the Jedi way, and I apologize, but I knew that it was something I had to do.”

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