Chapter 5: Rescue Mission

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Over the course of the next few weeks, Jason devoted all of his time into his Jedi training, making sure he could meet with Paul every day so they could develop his Force powers more. Whenever he didn't meet and train with Paul, he continued training in lightsaber combat, but this time, with the help of Michelle's friend, Jessica, who Jason was surprised to find out was much more skilled than he was. She was able to find the weaknesses in his Jar'Kai and give him tips on how to cover them. She taught him how to infuse his Soresu and Djem-So techniques into his Jar'Kai form, giving him a unique variation of all three styles.

“You have progressed very far these past few weeks,” Jessica said on the last day of their training, panting, as they had just been sparring. “I'd say we call this match a draw.”

“No,” Jason said, panting as well. “We need to finish this. I need to find out if I can beat you. I'm not going to go to the Jedi Council until I've progressed far enough in my skills, and the only way I'll know I've become strong enough is to beat you.”

“Don't push yourself,” Jessica replied. “You could end up harming yourself.”

“I need to do this,” Jason said.

“If you say so,” Jessica replied, taking an Ataru stance.

Jason took his customized Jar'Kai stance, which was the same stance as before, only, in this one, he angled his top lightsaber downwards and his bottom lightsaber upwards. Jessica pressed the offensive, wanting to test his defensive skills once more. Jason blocked each slash with both lightsabers, following Jessica's advice, since blocking with only one lightsaber gives him a lack of power. Once they got into a saber-lock, he suddenly pressed both his lightsabers hard against her blue lightsaber, catching her off guard and knocking her off balance. He took this chance to take the offensive. He started flowing the Force through his body once again, increasing his stamina and allowing him to fight faster once more. Jessica, in her fatigued state, had to do the same just to keep up with his movements. They got into a saber-lock once more, and this time, Jason twirled his lightsabers so that Jessica was forced to release her grip on her lightsaber. He tossed it aside using the Force and slashed at her torso in a “killing” move. Since their lightsabers were on a low setting, it only burned her, though she did still cry out in pain. Jason deactivated his lightsabers and used the Force to call Jessica's to him, handing it to her.

“Game, set, match,” Jason said, panting once more.

“Wow,” Jessica said, still panting. “Great job.”

“Thanks,” Jason said. “Do you think I'm ready?”

“Definitely,” Jessica said. “I'll go talk to them and let them know what happened.”

“I'll be there shortly,” Jason responded. “I've gotta take a shower after that.”

“Okay,” Jessica said.

She left, leaving Jason alone. He went back in the house, since their sparring match was once again in his backyard. He went upstairs and took a shower, then put on the same outfit he had been wearing when he met with the Council the first time, consisting of the same black t-shirt, same blue and black over-shirt, black jeans, and black sneakers. Once dressed, he drove to the Jedi Temple and met Jessica outside the Council Chambers.

“I just spoke with them,” Jessica said. “They want to tell you their decision themselves.”

“Okay,” Jason replied. “Can I go in?”

“Yes,” Jessica replied. “Good luck.”

Jason nodded and walked through the doors to the Chamber. He walked into the middle of the room and bowed.

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