Chapter 4- Punishment

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    "Jen?" My mom asked, "Get off of him!"

    I looked at David and saw the worry in his eyes, "Stay down," I ordered. I turned to my mom and said, "Mom. It's not what it looks like. Believe me."

    "You." She pointed to David, "Out of my house!"

    "Stay down David." I pushed with my mind to take total control of my mom. I made her leave and forget everything; have no intention of coming up here.

    I turned back to David.

    "What just happened?" David asked.

    "It took a lot of energy out of me but I took control of my mom and made her leave, forget everything, and have no plan on coming up here," I told him.

    He slowly got up and tried to walk to me but collapsed on the bed as soon as as he stood up.

    Running over to him I asked, "What the heck did I tell you?!"

    "Come here." He said. The pain in his voice made me cringe for a second.

    I walked over to him and helped him fully onto the bed again.

    "By the way, that's not what I was talking about."  He looked at me as I climbed up next to him on the bed.

    "What are you talking about?" More confused then ever I tried to understand... But failed.

    "When I asked what happened.... I didn't mean how or what you did to your mom. I meant what just happened... Between us. Clearly I like you but... I don't know the rules or anything but. I wanna be with you." He touched my cheek with the backs of his fingers.

    I covered his hand with mine; moving his fingers to my mouth. I kissed them and placed his hand back to where it was. The feeling in my throat was indescribable. I was desperate for him... But I didn't want to ruin what we had now. So... " David. I like you. A lot. But right now, is not the best time for this. I'm sorry I just threw myself at you. I'm not normally like this. Please."

    "So... When is the best time?" I noticed he never moved his hand from my cheek... But I never moved my hand from covering his.

    "When your not in agony... And I know for sure your going to live."

    He slowly moved his hand and placed his arm on his stomach.

    I heard his breath catch in his throat and I thought he was holding in his screams.

    "Let it out David." He opened his mouth like he was going to speak and clamped it shut again. Clenching his jaw and tears rolling down his face, I knew something was wrong. I could feel a presence in the room and I turned around.

    Standing by the door, was the guy we ran into in the alley.


   He smiled and unforgettable smile. I smile of hatred, and pain. He had his fist out in front of him and I knew he was choking David, even if he wasn't touching him; or even near him.

    Rage. That's all that was left in me. I ran over to the guy and jumped onto his front. He was snapped out of it and David re- gained his breath. In the mean time I extended my fangs, lifted up my chin, and bit into the Strangers neck.

    David turned away like he couldn't believe what I was doing.

    I was grabbed by my neck and shoved up against my wall. Hanging there. Out of breath.

    "I'm Levi. I don't believe we've officially met." His voice was gruff. He was a very muscular man and you could see it through his ripped long sleeved shirt.

    My throat started to tell me that if I didn't get out of this soon; I was going to be choked out.

    But it was too late. Levi grabbed a knife out of his pocket, and jabbed it into my stomach.

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