Chapter 16- Betrayed.

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"Saleen," I breathed.

She was being held down by two lycans. Ben was in the opposite corner of the room with an angel blade to the queen's throat.

"Remember what you were told Jenna? The queen saved you because she's a witch. If she dies, you die. One step. And you're both done," Ben said with a look in his eye that was telling us this wasn't a joke.

I spoke next, "Ok. Ok. What do you want Ben?"

"The hybrid you call: David. Where is he." He said as an order not a question.

Wait, this meant if he didn't have David, he's ok, but where is he then?

"He... He's... He-" I said stuttering.

"WHERE IS HE?!" He screamed with such a screech it hurt my ears.

You're probley thinking, why don't I just cause instant pain to him?

I tried! The runes on the chains must have drained them. I just have the basic vampire powers. Speed, strength, and my fangs. No good use here.

"He's-" I started but got interrupted.

"Right here," said a gruff, timid voice behind me.

I looked behind me, and what I saw, shook me so bad, I thought I was going to pass out.


David: skin- black, leathery. Teeth- razor sharp, multiple canines. Bones- restructured, like a standing werewolf with no fur. Eyes- 100% black. Nails- six inches long, razor sharp, black.


I looked slowly up to see him hovering over me with curiosity on his face. Even as a whole new immortal, you could see David's features. The shapes of his eyes never changed.

"David..." I whispered wondering how this could be.

"Jen," he made out through heavy breathing.

Ben gave an evil laugh. One that sent chills up my spine.

David glared at him. I could see in David's pure black eyes, he hated Ben. But he also knew that if he slit the witches throat, I would die along with the witch. So he sat up straight with a look of defeat. I couldn't tell I'd he was actually giving in, or if this was a plan of his that I was clueless about.

"Whatever happens, happens for the best," I said under my breath.

Ben looked David dead in the eyes. "Come to me. Slowly," he said. And David obeyed.

David got to the front of him and kept his head low. Ben reached out with one hand (the witch and knife in the other arm) and touched his stomach. What was he doing?

Next thing I knew David grabbed his wrist and pulled it as hard as he could.

The witch and Ben flew through the wall behind David, separating the knife from Ben's hand.

Levi grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of the room and into the hallway. "You don't want to be in the middle of a hybrid fight. Believe me," he said.

"We'll what are we supposed to do? Sit out here like idiots and let the two most strongest creatures in the world kill eachother? One being the guy I'm in love with? No," I started yelling, "we have to save Saleen too. Who knows what's going on in there right now!"

"No Jenna. For your safety you have to stay out here."

"What's so important about my safety?!" I yelled. I would die for David and I don't get why I couldn't just help him out.

"Jenna. Ben didn't bite you. You're his daughter. Your a female hybrid. Your the REAL queen if this place not that witch,"

"What! No. No. No. No. I was in love with my father?!"

"It wasn't love. It was the connection between you two. If you die, this whole kingdom will plummet. Not that it hasn't already with Ben ruling... That's not the point. Look. Your life is in my hands and I have to protect you,"

"REALLY?! If you really and truly wanted to protect me, you wouldn't have stabbed me with the angel blade!" I was furious! I thought Levi was on my side. Guess I was wrong after all.

"Wait- Jenna, please!" He yelled, but I ran back into the room where the fight was going on. I didn't want to live anymore. The only thing that was keeping me from stabbing myself was David. If he goes... I go.

Ben was now as a hybrid but was gray instead of black like David. Interesting. They were slashing eachother and attacking eachother. Over and over until finally David leaped for his throat and pinned him by it. He was squeezing and squeezing; harder and harder until- finally- Ben's body was limp.

David slowly got up; exhausted and hurt. He started walking toward me and I- slowly- started walking towards him.

We met eachother and he reshaped into himself again.

Same "emo" hair. Same icey blue eyes. Different skin. His skin was paler, and torn.

We hugged and stood like that, for what seemed like a very long time.

Who would have guessed- this battle, was not yet finished. In fact, it was far from it...

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