Chapter 7- Does death lead to dungons?

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    I could smell David's blood rush through his veins as if he new we were doomed. I needed to find a way that we could get out of the house unharmed. But nothing came to mind.

    Realizing there were torches and what looked like bombs; I knew they were probley going to throw them into my house if I didn't retreat. Retreat. I could do that... But that showed weakness. And I DON'T show weakness. Ever. But then again. Trying to escape and getting captured showed even more weakness then to retreat. I had made up my mind.


    I set David down and got a blow horn out from my closet; and opened my window. I heard, "Ready. Aim. FIRE!" and bullets of all types of guns came; Right. At. Me.

    I ducked threw myself at the ground to shield David's body. When the gunshots ended, I lifted my head; only to hear a chilling voice say, "Retreat, or die."


    Being a vampire, I have VERY GREAT hearing. But. I, as are all, vampires are sensitive to loud sounds. Getting up, and holding the blow horn behind my back, I said, "Retreat," I looked up and saw Levi standing not two feet away from me. But bowed my head for a look of shame, letting my hair fall in front of my face.

    David was looking at me; As he was in front of me; and I lipped: Plug your ears.

    He did as I told him to, and as soon I believed I was ok, I jumped onto Levi. We fell onto the floor in a pile of fear. Letting my fangs slide from my gums I opened my mouth and hissed.

    He started laughing; Most likely to try to get to me, but that just made me more mad, so I shoved my chest forward, so I was on top of him... Ready to bite.

    My fangs slid into his neck, and he let out a scream as I released my venom.

    "Stop! Stop, ok you win!" Levi screamed and I sat up with my hands on his throat to stop the venom from spreading... And to choke him.

    "One movement, and I let the venom spread, and kill you."

    He smiled and laughed, and I loosened my grip. He gulped and continued to laugh.

    "What is so freaking funny?!"


    Right as he said that, a agonizing pain went into my chest. Looking down I saw his hand at my chest and the tip of the handle peaking through.

    Wait. I've seen that handle before. The in-scripted writing... The curve at the end... The black leather...

    Uh oh. I was going to die and there was nothing anybody could do about it. I knew that instantly because... The handle of that blade, fit the handle of the Angel Blade.

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