What it is All About

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#projectwematter is a human rights movement that supports humans of all colors, religions, genders and shapes or sizes.

In communities all over the world, both men and women alike are discriminated against because of their genders. This project provides awareness of equality, using this platform created by wattpad.

It doesn't matter if your skin is honey or light. All that matters is you and your impact on people's lives. It doesn't matter if you are a Muslim, Christian, a jew or even an atheist. It doesn't matter if you are fat or thin. All that matters is us! All that we are trying to get across is that we matter.

She matters, not because she is beautiful or ugly but because she is simply human. He matters not because he is rich or poor, but because he is simply human.

We can stop descrimination and abuse with the power of our words.

We have to realize that people get built differently. We don't need to figure it out. We just need to respect it.

We have to reject the notion that there isn't enough room for us all to grow. We have to stand side by side as equals.

This project is a ground breaking one. It aims to open the eyes of every individual. And we hope that through our example, we inspire others to challenge restrictive norms of genders, religions and races.

We all matter and that's all that we care about. If you support this movement then I hope you'd join our campaign and establish a safe heaven for people.

Most importantly, we hope to establish the fact that we are activists who support equality among all races.

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