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That's the only thing that I could see.
Whenever I looked at the sky, all I saw was black.
Not blue like everyone else.
People say there's something wrong with me, but I think I'm pretty normal.
If you count trying to kill yourself everyday ever since you were 6 normal.
Now I stand on a rooftop looking up at the sky as the wind tugged at my hair.
This is my 23rd birthday.
Another perfect day to kill myself.
Taking a step closer to the edge I took a deep breath and felt something land on my nose.
Looking back up I saw white flecks flouting down.
Looks like I'm dying in white tonight.
Putting one foot out I began to lean forward.
As I predicted a huge gust of wind pushed me over the edge.
Smiling I thought

'Today's the day! I can feel it!'

I was about 5 feet above the ground now until a transparent sphere enclosed itself around me.
Hitting the ground it made a huge dent in the floor from where the sphere hit.
Yelling in anger I stood up as tears pooled in my eyes.

"Why can't I die...?" I whispered to myself.

The snow landed on my shoulders and melted in my hair.
Groaning I walked out of the creator and made my way home.
Unlocking the door to my apartment I slammed the door closed.
I shrugged off my jacket and reached for the scarf on my neck.
Taking in in my hands I tied it around my neck and walked into the kitchen.
Looking at the ceiling I found the hook that was in the ceiling.
Grabbing a chair I dragged it under the hook and stood on it.
Tying the slack on the hook I kicked the chair from under me and let my arms go limp.


Falling onto the floor I cursed and had a fit.


Getting off the floor I stumbled into my room and fished a journal out from under my bed.
Flipping open to a certain page I took the pen that was attached to it and wrote.
Cutting- Fail
Drowning- Fail
Hanging- Fail
Jumping- Fail
Overdosing- Fail
Freezing- Fail
Burning- Fail
Shooting- Fail
"Nothing...Nothing I've done has worked!"

I grasped my hair with one hand and began to pull. 'Why won't I die?!'
Throwing the journal that was in my other hand to the floor I paced to the kitchen.
Pulling open a drawer I took a knife out and grasped it between my hands.
Raising it I brought it down in one swift move just for it to break in half.


Then a loud pounding on the door broke me out of my crazed trance.

"Mr.Kim is everything okay in there!?"

'Shoot it's the landlady!'
Kicking the broken knife out of the way I walked over to the door and put on a fake smile.
Opening it her fist was raised as it seemed she was about to knock.

"Mr.Kim I have gotten quite a few complaints about yelling coming from your room. Is everything okay? This is the 3rd time this week." She said sternly.

"Ah yes...I just burned myself while cooking." I lied.

"Really? Because they said you were yelling why won't I die." She said confused.

"A-Ah that was my friend he was here just a few seconds ago. He's going through some things right now." I said full of confidence.

She looked at me with her eyebrows arched.

"Well okay...but if this happens again I'll have no choice but to kick you out..." she said.

Nodding my head understanding and closed the door.
Waiting until the click of her heels couldn't be heard anymore I groaned and slid down the door.

"Tomorrow's a new day Taehyung...a new day to kill yourself..."

Getting up I purposely left my door unlocked.
Who cares if someone comes in and tries to murder me?
It'll just make my life ending even easier.
Slipping under the covers I let out a long sigh and closed my eyes.

"Tomorrow's a new day..."


Hello~ Kim Taehyung here and I just wanted to give some information to our dear readers!

Now my name Is Kim Taehyung, 23 years old.

I live in the world of the living...well that's what it's called now.

As you can see it's not that easy to die in this life.

The gods thought that people's lives were too short when they killed themselves, so they can only die from old age!

Of course I don't know that so I keep trying to kill myself.

It's quite sad honestly.

I've been doing this ever since I was six.

Ever since that fateful day...

Well I can't get into that now or else the author won't have much of a story now would they?

So I hope you can enjoy this new story about my life called 'Kill Me'.



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