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✖️❄️✖️❄️✖️❄️✖️❄️✖️❄️✖️❄️✖️The snow fell down in heavy blankets of white

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The snow fell down in heavy blankets of white. It decorated your hair and shoulders as a laugh erupted from you. That smile that you were famous for was spread across your face.
You looked at me and took my hands in yours. I could feel my face heat up but, you couldn't see my flushing face beneath my scarf.
People say every snow flake is different, and I have to agree with that as I stare at the most beautiful snowflake in the world.
That one snowy day I finally recognized my feelings for you, but instead you left me alone.
Where did you go?
My one and only snowflake?

-Poem by Kim Taehyung

Plates shattered after I yelled out in shock. Pulling my own cheek to make sure I wasn't dreaming. Of course I wasn't I locked the door. My grandma began knocking on the door frantically.

"Taehyung baby are you okay!?" She called our worried.

"Y-Yeah! I saw a spider! Sorry!" I lied trying not to worry her.

"Aish child you made me worry!" She yelled as her voice grew distant.

The pools of memories began to turn into a typhoon. I could see my grandma again...After forever, I'm so happy.
Tears started to stain my puffy cheeks as my nose clogged up. I cried out of happiness and stared at myself in the mirror smiling.

"Thank you...Jungguk you were the reason I could feel it- Jungguk!" My smile instantly dropped as soon as I thought about what happened.

The headache that came with the crying made me shut my eyes. Balling my fists up I swore softly as I remembered what happed.
Letting out a moan in frustration I hit my head a few times, and then brushed my teeth. Applying sunscreen all over my body I walked out and changed into some clean clothes.
Analyzing the contents on my dresser, a pair of black glasses lay there. Setting them on my face I blinked a few times before realizing I didn't need them.
However if I didn't wear them my grandma would become suspicious.
Throwing on my school uniform I walked out into the kitchen.
My grandma with her back to me as she finished making breakfast.
Running up to her I hugged her with a bit of force knocking her forward.

"Oh! Ah! Haha! Tae! You startled me!" Her sweet laugh gave off a faint echo in the small house.

"Hurry up and eat your breakfast child, you'll be late!" Her sweet creased smile made me sad yet happy.

Sitting down I dug into the breakfast and grabbed my bag heading for the door.

"Bye Taehyungie! Have a good day at work!" Grandma joked.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2019 ⏰

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