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His eyes seemed to put me in a trance because when we made eye contact he looked around the room avoiding my gaze. Swilling I looked at my boss as he handed me a manila folder containing some papers. Taking it from him I turned to the youger male and held out my hand for him.
He looked put on the spot because he seemed to panic a bit before taking my hand and shaking it. I gave him a small smile trying to reassure him, but it seemed to make things worse because he shuffled back a bit letting go of my hand.
Sighing I shrugged my shoulders and bowed to my boss before leaving. He followed me standing  about 7 feet away from me trying to avoid contact at all times. Looking at him by turning my head to the side, he had his arms crossed as his eyes darted everywhere. Clearing my voice I opened the folder and skimmed the file.
His hair way neatly combed to the side as he had a natural smile on his face looking in the camera. The photo being held to his resame with a sky blue paper clip.

"So your name is Jungguk?" I asked him

He let out a small hum of agreement as his pace guickened and slowed at times. Stopping in front of an empty cube I felt a small impact come from my back. Feeling the contact go away I turned to him with an eyebrow arched.
If he could he would be sweating puddles right now. He bit his lip and looked at the floor in embarrassment. I arched an eyebrow and just shook my head placing my hand on his back. He jumped a bit and said nothing. Rubbing small circles on his back I patted his back a few times trying to comfort him.

"Hey you don't have to be so timid on your first day, I don't bite."

He looked up at me with a small smile.

"But only if I have to" I playfully winked at him and he looked mortified.

I let out a laugh and covered my face with the folder and held my stomach. He must of caught on because soon he was timidly laughing along with me.
Peeking out from behind the folder he met my gaze and quickly clamped his jaw shut. I brought the folder down to my side and frowned.

"Why'd you stop?" I asked.

"S-Sorry sir I didn't mean to laugh..." he mumbled.

Rolling my eyes I threw the folder on his desk and he flinched.

'He must think I'm mad at him...'

Raising my hands up to his cheeks I pinched them and smiled pulling them a bit so it looked like he was smiling.

"You should smile more! It really suits you!" I laughed and let go of his cheeks.

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