thirty two.

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four years later: my arms was looped into my grandfathers as we walked down the isle of my marriage.

jack proposed about six months ago, and here we are. my wedding that i've dreams of since i was six.

we were in a large field, sunflowers covering the border around the large wooden country set up, that gave me a happy vibe.

my grandpa is walking me down the isle because well my dad is a horrible person i don't want him near me. i feel as if he feels bad about what he has done in his past but i can't bring myself to let him back into my life.

we made to the end of the isle, grandpa handed me off to jack. he smiled at me as whispered "you look gorgeous." i gave him a smile.

i looked around seeing my bridesmaids: sydney, mrs. keri, ava, anna is my maid of honor because she has always been there, and mrs. kristin is my final bridesmaid.

jacks groomsmen: all the boys of course, and his best man is zach, there is also his dad and logan.

can't forget our flower girl: isla and reese.

we shared our vowels, and the priest spoke.

"do you jack avery, take paige hastings to have and to hold, from this day forward. for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish as long as you both shall live."

"i do," jack said with a large smile.

"and do you, paige hastings, take jack avery to have and to hold, from this day forward. for better or worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish as long as you both shall live."

"i do."

"by the power invested in me, i now pronounce you husband and wife you may now kiss the bride."

jack gave me a passionate kiss and then everyone exited the church.

let's see what the next adventure is.

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