Rise and Shine

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I wouldn't leave you guys without answers for too long promise. Still working on getting everything back from when my computer was hacked. Sorry for the delay. Things are getting back in sinc. Thanks for your patience.

As always, Happy reading.

NJ Kuhr


Days later he had only left her side to ask for Madelyn and Sophia's aid. Reagan was healing but she hadn't woken up yet. He tried healing and rejuvenating spells on his own but nothing worked. Terrified he reached out to them for help. A little guilty he hadn't turned to them sooner. He knew they cared about Reagan and he wanted to inform them of her condition. As soon as it appeared she might not wake up his desire not to leave her was suppressed by his desire to save her and he brought the two woman into his home. Bringing down the protection spells to do so.

    They had been in his home for nearly a week trying everything they could. Madelyn expressed her fear that during the fire Reagan had probably been devoid of air for too long even before the fire was able to reach her and maybe her mind had been damaged from the lack of oxygen. They focused their energy and skills on her mind. All three of them reaching out to as many others for help that they could think of. Scores of Witches, Warlocks and Healers tramped through the apartment bringing supplies, potions and anything else they could think of to help.

    Sophia was nearly hopeless and Madelyn was trying not to fall prey to the despairing feelings she was picking up from those around her but she was reaching the end of her rope. Oliver refused to give up. He refused to let her die but they had run out of ideas. He had tried to pour and push every ounce of love he felt for her into his spells and his prayers. Nothing seemed to be working. She was breathing on her own and her heart beat was flawless.  None of them could come up with an answer as to why she wasn't waking up.

They had been taking turns resting. Both Madelyn and Sophia had accepted rooms and neither had left. Their other responsibilities had been placed with someone they trusted. Both completely devoted to assisting Reagan. Even Marcus had dedicated the majority of his time to her health. He had even traveled to germanic Covens in foreign countries to ask for aid or information that could help her and had come up with nothing that had worked.

    Madelyn was consulting book after book in his library. Many had been brought here by friends or as a request. Sophia was running tests on experimental potions, combining new concoctions. Searching her mind for any ideas or inspiration. Oliver had been up for nearly forty eight hours and had collapsed in a chair near Reagan's bed in exhaustion. It was hours before sunrise and he had fallen asleep raking his brain for something he may have missed for the umpteenth time. He only got rest in shorts spurts of time and only after he had worked himself into delirium.

    His fear and worry would eventually override sleep and he would wake himself up in a mortified delusion that she had passed away while he was asleep. A waking nightmare, throwing himself across the room to check on her only to discover that she was exactly the same as when he had fallen asleep. Relieved and yet still unrelenting fear plagued him. He hadn't woken up yet to relive his same fear and the room had been cast in darkness. Only the light from rest of the apartment filtered in underneath the door. The house was eerily quiet. No one had thought to play any music or had even considered turning on a television. They were all too singularly focused on their objective.

    Oliver mummer. A low painful sound suggesting it wouldn't be long before he woke. He started to stir. His arms twitched and he pulled his legs back up from where they had slumped, sliding out from the chair. His eyes opened slightly, the room still out of focus. He sat up, searching the room, allowing his eyes to adjust to the darkness. Something was glowing. Two smalls specks on the bed. He couldn't tell at first where they were the coming from. At first, he thought it was the cat but she was in his lap. He looked back up to see them again, two small glowing dots. He didn't know what they were, only that they were near Reagan. Forcing himself out of the chair he lurched across the room, stumbling into the bed. Sending the cat hissing and running.

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