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Technically I ignored her for five years. Paying no attention to her existence. Of course I knew she was there. But I made no effort at all to get to know her. I wasn't interested. At the time I mean.

She did have friends. Some girl. She was, decent I guess. Pretty, but like ------, she was shy and didn't talk to many people other than her. They spent time together during lunch and gym. Along with the few class periods they had together.

November 17th.

That's the day I met her. If you add it up, we were now in eighth. Typical, am I right? We had a science class and were ever so luckily paired up. How


So I proceeded to make my way over to her. She looked up, greeting me with her eyes. I gave a small awkward wave of my hand in return as I sat next to her.

"So. Learning rocks in the sciences-" I said, opening my book to the correct page.

"Pretty hard right?" She replied after so rudely cutting me off.

I let out a soft chuckle. "Smooth"

"Or rough. I mean, labling a rock as just smooth is like, rock racism."

I glared at her, raising an eyebrow. She gave me the same look, without the eyebrow. We both proceeded to burst into unnecessary laughter.

We continued small talk as we worked on the assignment given to us.

She would look up every now and then in the direction her friend sat. I could tell that her friend was making faces and gestures at her, causing ------ to keep in her laughter.

I was surprised that she spoke more than I expected her to. It was nice.

I   d i d n' t   m i n d   t h a t .

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