e i g h t e e n

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------'s husband took a break. He stepped outside and began calling close friend and family. I say by her side, trying not to bawl or cry. I eventually reached for her hand, putting mine over Her fragile one.

The doctor had informed us of her coma state.

"Nothing over a year. Possible a month at least? There wasn't too much damage to her head luckily. At least not enough for memory loss. But her nerves will take a while to come back."

I continued to hold her hand. Weeping softly.

W h y   n o w .

She was so happy days ago. Yesterday. She's a good person with a good heart. Why her.

I leaned closer to her and gently put my head on her shoulder which was luckily only bruised. I sniffed. I cried. I bawled my eyes out, letting my emotions take over.

"I love you,"


I could only imagine her being happy. Healed. Like nothing ever happened. Mr. Lawyer Man didn't exist. Out hands intertwined.

"I love you too, Ami."

But her voice was only an imagination.

I loved ------.

I   l o v e d
E l i t z a .

With all my heart. I did. Being able to feel the warmth of her naked skin against mine. A window, cracked open. Allowing the humid summer air to flow in. I'll never experience that again.

It truly makes me wonder. What was I to Elitza? An experiment with another girl? Or just a quick fling? I guess I'll never know. I'll never have the guts to ask. Or to even confess to her again.

All I know.

1.) She wouldn't or isn't lesbian.

2.) All I can do is be there for her as her friend.

3.) I will never, ever, stop loving her in so many ways.

So I gently squeezed her hand and said it once more. Looking directly at her closed, peaceful eyes.

"I   l o v e   y o u .
E l i t z a ."

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