Part 1: Gym Cutie

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So imagine you're working out at the gym and you're trying really hard to get in shape and be healthier and just be happier with yourself.

But you overdo it and you start to feel kinda wobbly. Maybe you didn't drink enough water or just went one rep too hard but you pretty much fall on your butt when your legs give out.

And you feel dumb and people are staring and you're so embarrassed but then-

"Hey there! You ok? Need a hand?"

And a strong hand attached to some handsome sweaty God with spiky red hair extends out to you to help you up and even though you're embarrassed you take it because you're tired and just wanna leave.

"We all go too hard sometimes just gotta know yourlimits! Keep it up!" And he gives you this fucking beautiful smile and its genuine like he isn't mocking you at all for falling on your ass. With a thumbs up he turns away to go back to the weight machines.

Maybe you'll come back to the gym tomorrow.

Kirishima x Reader AUTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon