Try to avoid saying...

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Offensive: "homosexual" 
Preferred: "gay" or "lesbian" 
Please use "gay" or "lesbian" to describe people attracted to members of the same gender. Because it is aggressively used by anti-gay extremists to suggest that gay people are somehow diseased or psychologically/emotionally disordered 

Offensive: "homosexual relations/relationship," "homosexual couple," etc.
Preferred: "relationship", "couple"
Identifying a same-sex couple as "a homosexual couple," characterising their relationship as "a homosexual relationship," or identifying their intimacy as "homosexual sex" is extremely offensive and should be avoided. As a rule, try to avoid labelling an activity, emotion or relationship "gay," "lesbian" or "bisexual" unless you would call the same activity, emotion or relationship "straight" if engaged in by someone of another orientation.

Offensive: "sexual preference"
Preferred: "sexual orientation" or "orientation"
The term "sexual preference" is typically used to suggest that being lesbian, gay or bisexual is a choice and therefore can and should be "cured."

Offensive: "Faggot"  
It's highly offensive to use this word and calling someone a "faggot". Please. Never call someone by this term. Use another less offensive word or don't call them a name at all. It is never necessary and people can take things to heart

Offensive: Calling someone or something "Gay" 
It is preferred if you don't use that term to describe someone or something gay because most people who identify as being gay will take it offensively even if you were joking around or using the term as a joke

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