Hybrid Taegi

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Narrator's POV
     The young red-haired fox had strayed very far from his den. He remembered looking for food, chasing a bird, and then being surrounded by tall unfamiliar trees. This part of the Amazon was different from what he was used to. He tried to find the way he came from, but he was inevitably lost.

  Taehyung's POV
     'Where am I?' I thought as I looked for the familiar trail that led to my den. I was scared and alone. I could only hear the familiar buzz of bugs, and small wildlife. I ran around further, and further, causing myself to become more lost. I didn't know what to do. My family never prepared me for this.
    I laid down to whine, and cry. I hated being alone, even when I was young, and my parents would go out searching for food, I'd cry until they came back. It's a scary thing; being left to your own thoughts and all. I curled up in a ball trying to hide myself in the leaves. I didn't want to become some bigger animal's prey. Like an anaconda, or a leopard.
     I drifted into an uncomfortable hazy, one-eye open sleep. Slowly I felt my body start to heat up. I didn't understand what was happening to me. My father taught me about something like this though. He said that once us young foxes get to a certain age we go through a heat. Father said that he would have a nice tramp help me through my first one.
     I wasn't entirely sure what he meant, but the scorching pain I'm feeling is unbearable. It felt like my insides were on fire and I just needed someone to touch me. My body shifted on it's own, trying to cool down. I was whimpering and whining uncontrollably. I was sure someone was going to hear me, but I couldn't stop, it hurt so much.
     I heard a twig snap in the distance, but I couldn't move. I was helpless stuck in this predicament. I was utterly horrified, afraid of who, or what, was going to find me this way. I should've never strayed from the path. Now I'm vulnerable and weak. I tried to look around, but I couldn't find a source to the noise. I closed my eyes and tried to make the pain go away.

  Yoongi's POV
     I was on my nightly patrol in my territory, when I heard an unfamiliar whine. It sounded like a small animal was hurt. It smelled like a fox. 'Hmm we don't get many foxes around here. Must have traveled far from home, and got injured on the way.' I thought as I trotted in the direction of the noise.
     As I neared closer to the noise, I stepped on a branch breaking it in half with my paw. Well whatever it was surely got scared away by now, but not long after that I heard human groans. 'A hybrid in my territory.' I could smell the heedy scent of his heat as I got closer. For a fox, he smelled surprisingly good. Like toasted marshmallows and firewood.
     It was intoxicating, and made me want to get closer to him. This was bad. All alone, going through his heat, and in my territory. I padded towards him still in my form. His eyes were clenched tight, his face scrunched up in pain, and his body curling in on itself. I leaned down to sniff him further, and growled, gaining his attention.
     His teary eyes flew open, as he gasped, surprise evident in his expression. His eyes were beautiful though. Like roasted chestnut, yet fiery in it's piercing gaze. He just looked at me trembling, before he spoke two words, "Help Me." His voice was deep and husky, unlike his tall, lithe form. I want to so bad, but one has to be careful around these sly foxes.
     He was sweating, and panting for dear life. He reached down for his erect member, and began to pump slowly. "I-it hurts.." he whimpered to me. I guess I really should help him. It will have been a long time since I've done anything like this though. I don't want to hurt the young kid, because that's simply not who I am.

  Taehyung's POV
     I looked up to see this beautiful beast in front of me. It was a black panther. I've never seen one my whole life until now. They were just part of folklore told at our dinner fires. At this moment I couldn't quite think of this creature in front of me. My body was on fire, and the proximity of this man was not helping.
     I reached down, tentatively taking a hold of my member. It hurt, and I just wanted it to stop. The panther was hovering above me, but I couldn't bring myself to be ashamed, or to stop. He nudged my hands, preventing me from touching myself further. I whimpered at my own loss.
     He looked at me with such intense, dark, glaring orbs. A shiver went down my spine, as my tail tucked between my legs. This creature was powerful, and dangerous. I was scared and nervous, but still very hot, and bothered. I didn't want him to hurt me, but I desperately wanted him to touch me.
     It feels wrong to think like that. I always thought my first would be a woman. This man is intoxicating though. He smells like fallen leaves, and fresh dew. He smells like home. I felt myself crawling closer to him. I bowed down in front of him head, and ears, pointed down in submission. If legend be true, then he was one of the greatest animals in the Amazon.
     I was not going to disrespect power simply because I was in pain. Although I think I did plenty of that already. I could feel his gaze bore into me, as I stared faithfully at the ground. I was still whimpering, and my body was getting hotter every second. I just wanted to claw at my body, or soak in a cool stream.
     I felt him shift in front of me, but I didn't dare look up. That would be very rude. My body trembled, trying to keep this position until told otherwise. "Look at me," he spoke, his voice rough and gritty. He was beautiful. Pale, and small, unlike his hybrid form, but still radiated power nonetheless. His hair was jet black, a stark contrast compared with his skin.
     I wanted this seemingly perfect man. His pheromones were causing me to writhe in discomfort. "Please...please help. It burns, i-it hurts so bad. Please help me," I begged him pathetically, tears formed in the corners of my eyes. I reached up to touch him, but he stopped me, gripping my shoulders. His hands were cool against my skin, and I leaned against them.
     I was satisfied only for a few moments though, a sigh escaping my lips. "Tell me your name," he said softly, but his voice was so captivating. I'd tell him anything he'd want to hear. "M-my name is Taehyung, but everyone c-calls me V," I replied shakily. He was petting my head, and rubbing my shoulders. "More..please touch me more. Feels good. C-cooling w-with your touch," I muttered.

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