Mannerless pt.2

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Levi's POV:
He ran down stairs, corridors and rooms to get to the horses. Now he jumped on his horse Raven. She had raven black eyes and fur but she had Snow White hair that made this huge contrast that Levi loves. He had no problem jumping in and rode off. "Time to show these mo'fuckers". Levi weren't happy at all of the way the "higher ups" treaded Hange. This weren't looking too good for them in the higher ups.
Levi's now at the Royal Bank HQ:
"Sir! Stop!" Levi didn't stop. He continued riding Raven in through the open gate. And jumped off straight in front of the main door outside and made his way in. He kicked the door down, ran up stairs and went in to a random office.
"AAAH! Sir! Who are you?!", Levi looked at him with anger in his eyes, "That's what I'm gonna ask... Who the fuck are you?". "I-I-I'm a senior bank service worker! I-IF you want to talk with the boss I can send you there!" Levi took a close look. Looked at this greedy, pig looking old fat man and replied while pointing a gun, "Show me". The went straight to the banks boss' office and Levi was let in. "Hello, my name is-,", "Alexander Andersson Jr." Alexander was shocked and now wondered. Who is this young man that knew his name? Did he know more about him? And if he did. What did he know? "Who are you?".....

To be continued: Mannerless pt.3

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