Chapter Three

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The sunlight was growing brighter and brighter in Lizzy's bedroom. She heard the rooster crow. Time to get up, she thought. Sleep had evaded her. She thought only of Miles. It went something like this:

"You should have kept going. Why did you stop? You need to procreate with him. You could help repopulate and make siblings for Calvin to play with," her ovaries would say.

"That won't work. The age difference between Calvin and the baby would be enormous, like seven years," Lizzy would respond back mentally.

"That's why you shouldn't wait any longer."

"Need I remind you Miles is only sixteen inside! Almost sixteen, he said. Cradle robbing is one thing, but that's practically pedophilia!"

"Sixteen is the age of consent. And he said he didn't mind. He likes you and you like him."

"SHUT UP! We barely know each other!"

Lizzy rolled over onto her back and stared at the ceiling. It worked! They were finally quiet. Lizzy couldn't believe them. They were horrible. They were just as bad as Sadessa. Maybe even worse. She wondered why they were like this all of a sudden. They weren't like this when Conor McGreggor was around. Didn't really seem fair.

"He was unsuitable."

"Seriously? Unsuitable? What is that supposed to mean? Oh....ohhh, all the drinking. He might be sterile?"

"Yes. And he was too big, and you are so small. If you did somehow become pregnant by him, the baby would be too large inside of you and there would be no hospitals or doctors around to perform an emergency cesarean. You see, we're just thinking of your safety."

"How very thoughtful of you."

"You can't fool us, honey. You didn't find him suitable either."

"Alright, but what about before Conor? I had plenty of boyfriends in High School."

"We were there. But you were so young. A baby is a big responsibility. You are ready now."

"Wow. You really think so? So I should just go jump his bones right now?"



"Awesome! This is going to be so much fun! We've waited sooo long! Wait, is this for real? Are you just trying to get us to shut up again?"


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