Chapter Five

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"What's wrong?" Calvin asked, scratching at his blond head.

Miles looked down at him and finally crouched down so he was at Calvin's level. "I've done some pretty horrible things...and I don't think that the good I did before that makes up for it. Though I appreciate your kindness."

Calvin looked Miles in his green eyes and studied them. The boy looked confused. "You don't seem like someone who would do anything horrible."

Miles sighed and looked away. "Maybe not now..."

Maybe being key. A weapon can only do one thing, hurt people. And you are nothing but a weapon.

Miles swallowed hard, his heart rate spiking. He wanted to turn over a new leaf, he wanted to start over and put the past behind him. He wanted to forgive himself and just go back to being Miles Gobie, not General Wonka, but it was hard when he was constantly reminded of his un-normalcy. His age, his abilities, and most hated of all...the voices...

He's so would hardly take anything to snap his neck...Another one whispered.

GO AWAY! Miles growled back at them, repulsed and frightened.

"Miles?" Calvin asked, looking worried.

Miles quickly rose, his face pale and guilty as he quickly looked around and was relieved to find Gerald coming up to join them. This is exactly why no one should be alone with me... Miles thought. At one time those voices had held a steady power over him. Since he'd gotten his memories back, their hold over him had lessened immensely, but they still wouldn't go away. And he worried about what would happen if they somehow got control over him again...

"I'm sorry Calvin, I'm afraid sometimes I'm not very good company, my thoughts tend to distract me." Miles said with a weak smile to him as Gerald approached.

Hahaha...that's so cute...Think of how scared the boy would be if he knew about what really goes on inside your head...

Miles felt physically ill and put a hand to his head. Why were they plaguing him now? They had been mostly silent since he'd left the factory. Why, why, why?! Why can't I just be normal?!

Because you aren't... one said softly before he felt them retreat.

" okay? You look like shit." Gerald asked as he approached, genuine concern painted across his face.

Miles swallowed, his stomach a roiling vat of acid. He sucked in a breath of the fresh morning air and it helped some. "I'll be alright; I just need a moment..."

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