Chapter Seven

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"Lizzy, can I have some more pie?" Calvin asked.

"Sure, Pumpkin," she replied.

"Can I have some too?" Gerald asked. She had plenty so she dished them up some. It was a special evening because everyone was leaving first thing in the morning. She sat down next to Calvin and across from Miles. Sadessa was sitting next to Miles, carefully painting the nails of her right hand with the cap stuck in her mouth. Lizzy had offered to help but Sadessa insisted that she could do it herself.

She had been acting kind of cold and distant since Wonka had left a few days before.

Gerald, leaned towards Calvin and said, "You know, if you're a pumpkin, and this is pumpkin pie, that makes you a cannibal."

"What's a cannibal?" Calvin asked.

Lizzy looked at Gerald. He had an "Oh crap" expression on his face as he looked back at her.

"Well, they um..." as Gerald struggled, he kept looking to Lizzy for help. Lizzy's mind was racing too when suddenly Calvin stuck a fist in Gerald's gut and said, "Ha ha, I know what they are! I was just fooling with you!"

"You little shit!" Gerald exclaimed, pulling Calvin into a head lock and rubbing his hair with a fist. Calvin cried out in mock agony. Lizzy smiled, she was glad to see they got along so well. She looked to find Miles' expression, and he was smiling too.

"I wish you weren't leaving so soon," she lamented.

"I know," he said softly, like it was some secret between them. Then he must've realized how strange that was because he quickly added, "I mean, I know how you feel because I feel the same way. But I must get back to the Factory and help re--

"Oh just get a room ALREADY!" Sadessa burst in, "It's disgusting the way you two get so gooey and flirty all the time!" She slammed down the bottle of polish and stormed off.

Lizzy's face flamed and for the millisecond she was able to hold Miles's gaze, he looked the same way. Shocked, embarrassed, and humiliated.

"Wow." May stated, looking down the hallway where Sadessa had disappeared.

"What's wrong with Sadessa?" Calvin asked the others, looking genuinely confused.

Everyone just sort of looked at each other like, you tell him, I'm not going to.

"She's just upset that Wonka's gone." May finally answered.

Lizzy nodded. That was true, but there was more. Sadessa was also upset that she no longer had anyone, and that both Lizzy and May now did.

"I'll...I'll start cleaning up." Lizzy said, rising. Even though they were all leaving tomorrow, she would see May and Sadessa in a few weeks when they returned to help her move to the Sanctuary in Arizona. When she would see Miles again though, she had no idea...

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