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"A good friend of mine." Juice sighs while rubbing his head. "His club was shot up and he was killed."

"Aw shit man, I'm sorry." Jax exclaims as he puts his hand on Juice's shoulder.

"They sent his dancers to a different club but I need to get a girl out, she's not safe." He gets up. 

"Who is she?" Clay asks, "What does she mean to you?"

"She's mine." Juice slams the table as anger consumes him. "I can't let her die."

"Well spill it." Piney exclaims.

"We've known eachother for years but because of the club I never let her get too close, I was always careful but a few nights ago I got some images of us sent to my place." Juice screws his face up, "Nobody knows where I live, man. I sent my girl there to keep her safe and now she's just in harms way." 

Everyone looks at him in shock as they've never seen Juice act in such a way, Juice breathes heavily as he gets up and storms out of church.

Clay sighs, "Let's roll."


Tig, Chibs and Happy look around in awe.

"I love this place." Happy states with a smile as he begins to follow one of the dancers.

"I'm going to bury myself in some tits." Tig declares as he scurries off.

"Where is she?" Jax asks Juice who is anxiously looking at the stage. They all follow his eyes to see a ... beauty.

"Holy mother of christ

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"Holy mother of christ." Jax comments as he lets out a low whistle.

"My face needs to be inbetween them legs." Tig drools and Juice sighs in frustration.

"That's her." 

"WHAT!" "FUCK NO!" "JUICEY BOY!" Members of the club comment as they gawk at Juice.

"How did a scrawny ass like yourself land..." Tig gestures to her, "THAT. It's impossible."

"Yeah well we're soon to be married."

"MARRIED?" Chibs looks at Juice in disbelief. "Yew sneaky little minx."

They all  watch as she continues to perform before she is replaced by another dancer as she goes to change. The other dancer keeps the attention of the men while making secret signals to the first dancer, just as her song ends she clicks her tongue real loud.

The first dancer comes in out her bedazzled black lingerie. Instead of heading on stage, the lights follows her to the bar which she climbs on. The men begin to hoot and she quickly withdraws her gun.

 The men begin to hoot and she quickly withdraws her gun

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"Oh shit." Juice exclaims while pulling out his gun and trying to get close. She shoots a man dead and all hell breaks loose. "SAVE HER!"

"JUAN!" She screams out as soon as she hears his voice only to be met with a bullet to the shoulder which sends her falling behind the bar.

"MIRACLE!" Juice shouts as he jumps over the bar. The Sons find themselves in a gun fight with a group of men dressed in black suits. 


Juice sighs as he gets out of the shower, he wraps a towel around himself as he leaves the bathroom.

Juice sighs as he gets out of the shower, he wraps a towel around himself as he leaves the bathroom

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"You really didn't have to save me." Miracle says once he walks into his living room.

"Cut it out, Santana." She pouts at his tone. "You could've gotten killed. What you did was really stupid and you know it."

Santana narrows her eyes at him, "You're the stupid one. You're the rat, you could get yourself killed and you know it. If your club finds out then your're a dead man. I won't let you die, Juan, you're my life."

"How'd you find out?" He asks in a hostile tone

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"How'd you find out?" He asks in a hostile tone.

Santana rolls her eyes at him, "We're getting married soon, of course I'll know everything about you. I used to be a hacker before you ruined my life by out hacking me."

She begins to giggle and he runs his hand through his head in frustration.

"Seriously, how did you find out?" Juice asks again while taking a few steps towards her before grabbing her by the neck and pulling her close. "TELL ME!"

"Shesh, you're still freaky as fuck." She pecks his lips before releasing his hands from her neck. "The man I killed last night was going to expose you so I took care of the problem." 

"But you got hurt." Juice sits down with a sigh.

"You're still alive." Santana retorts as she sits besides him. "You have to stop or else they will find out." 

"I... can't." Santana rolls her eyes at him.

"What you're doing is dishonorable, they will kill once they find out." 

"They won't." Juice argues and Santana kisses her teeth at him.

"Won't kill you? Bitch you ain't that special."

 "They won't find out." Juice states as he grabs a drink. "I'll kill anyone who finds out."

SONS OF ANARCHY *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now