Symbiote Eve

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  Aya Brea suddenly woke up from her deep slumber, awoken by the random noise from the TV that was on in her run down hotel room. She let out a melancholy sigh, grabbed her left leg, and leaned her head on it. Aya closed her eyes, hiding her deep blue eyes, and reflexed on the days events. She could not believe the mutation by the mitochondria had taken over the town of Dryfield so fast, and so hard. She watched the horrifying sight of people mutating into creatures. However, what made her most sick was the same force that was causing this forced evolution, the mitocondria within every living beings cells, was the same power that she was using to save those unfortunate.
"Why me?" she thought.
Aya opened her eyes and looked at the dried steer head. Aya fixated her eyes on the shadow casted from the skull exaggerated the morbid fashion. She then shook her head and got out of bed.
"Maybe...I'll get my thoughts straight after a hot shower."
With that Aya got out of bed and walked over to the shower, taking of the dull white long t-shirt and cotton bottoms. Aya walked towards the shower the small shower, and turn the worn silver handle on, The water flowed over her peached colored skin in a warm, rhythmic pattern. She closed her eyes, letting water cover over her blond hair, and letting the images of death and destruction flow of her and down the drain. The steam from the shower billowed out in large white clouds, that dissipated quickly. Finally after five minutes, Aya slowly turned of the squeaky shower handle. She stood in the shower quietly breathing letting the water fall off her nude body naturally. Aya watched the water slowly flowed down the drain, it was strangely calm...
Then suddenly, Aya felt something coming quickly behind her. She quickly turned to see what it was but leap up behind her, and started to cover her body. Aya panicked as the shadow crawled up her legs, in a liquid like manor. Suddenly, she feel hard on the ground. Aya tried to get up but her legs were locked up and refused to move. The shadow quickly coated her legs with a shiny coat of black. Aya blushed and bit her lip as the shadow moved in between her hips and covered her chest with ease.
"Ugh! Help Someone help me! Hel...Mmph!"
The shadow had quick move over Aya's mouth, silencing her screams for help. Aya tried one last time to get the shadow of of her body but it would not come off. The shadow finally started to cover her eyes, clouding her vision with complete darkness.
"I guess... this is...the end..." were Aya's final thoughts as she slipped into the darkness...

"Wake up, Aya...We have much work ahead...."
Aya, groggy, slowly opened her eyes. She was on her bed, laying and pulled herself up.
"...Ugh. Who said that? Who's there?"
"He he he... We are much closer than you think...." The mysterious voice echoed back.
Aya turned herself towards the body size mirror on the right side of the room, and was shocked at the vision she saw. A woman wearing a shiny all black, skin tight costume was staring right back at her. The costumed woman had no mouth but did have a large white spider symbol on it with two large white tear drop shapes where the eyes were at. She knew then and there that woman was her.
"Hello Aya, enjoying the new you?" The voice echoed out in a sinfully sarcastic manor.
Aya franticly looked around the room, searching for the origin of the voice.
"Tisk, Tisk," The voice taunted, "such power, ashame that it didn't go to your brains. HAHAHAHA!!!"
The voice's laughter echoed immense, from inside Aya. Aya put her hands to her face, her nails were sharp and long.
"Your? Your?" Aya stuttered.
"...inside of you? Yes, you are a smart one. HAHAHAHA!!!"
The cold laughter bounced around Aya's head once more. Aya shook her head in denial.
"No, no! What are you some monster? Or...or mutant?"
The voice just chucked again, with no remorse.
"Silly one. We are no mutant. We are an alien symbiote. We need strong beings like you to survive. Our old host was an interesting men but you, my dear, are something else. We felt the power that your cells are emitting. Ooh, your like a living battery! We had to find you. We searched and now we have found a suitable host, one that will fulfill our needs..."
"No way!" Aya shouted, "I'm your personal battery! I'm finding a way to get you off."
Aya began to pull on the costume, trying to force it off.
"We are bonded to your DNA, we can't be taken off so easily. He he he..." The symbiote chucked "Besides your one lucky girl...
"Why in the hell I should believe you?"
Suddenly the ground began to rumble.
"We guess we'll have to demonstrate..."
"Wait, what are you..."
With out warning the symbiote forced control over Aya and jumped out of the window of the hotel room. Aya landed perfectly outside, overlooking the hotel's second floor balcony. In front of her was a towering mangled creature of flesh, with metal pipes weaving in and out of it's shoulder. It opened it disproportionate large mouth to reveal a large metal canon, intertwined with the flesh around it.
"Oh yes, this will be fun..." The symbiote spoke with a tone of satisfaction.
The creature held up a large disfigured hand above Aya, ready to crush her.
"Oh god, I'm gonna..."
Just as the creature's fist came crashing down, Aya effortlessly dodged it's large fist.
"Huh? What the..?"
The creature then tried again with it's other fist, and Aya dodged it again, flawlessly. Then Aya jumped on top of the creature's head and landed on her hands and feet.
"Ah! I feel...this...power...I...I...must...must...set... it...FREE!!!"
Suddenly, Aya began to glow with a brilliant blue aura. Then, stood up dramatically and let out a monstrous stream of lighting through her and straight thought the creature. The creature lifted it claws in the air and groaned in agony. The electricity coming from Aya was so intense, that it overloaded all of the electric in the hotel, causing it to explode in large fireball. The lighting only lasted for thirty seconds but the power was so immense it seemed to slow down time to a crawl. Finally, the small flickers of electricity dissipated. Then, the creature let out a long deep groan, and slowly melted down, as the hotel burned quietly to the ground. Aya jumped of the melting creature's head and landed on the ground. She watched as the behemoth melted into a green puddle before her eye's. The "mask" on Aya's face, slowly melted into her skin exposing her face and hair. She let out a heavy sigh
"Now you know our power..." The symbiote said
"Yes, I do." Aya replied with a clenched fist.
"They felt our power, they know we exist, and they will kill you to have this power. What are you going to do?"
Aya paused for a second and thought about her new found abilities. She then gave a sinfully dark smirk.
"We will hunt them down and kill them all." Aya replied back in a dark tone."To defeat a monster, one must become a monster."
Aya's "mask" quickly coved her head again, and she shot out a gray line on to the rock formation near the burning hotel. She pulled herself up into the surrounding darkness around the rocks. The hotel continued to burn behind her, and the moon shone down on the hollow ground that once Aya Brea stepped on. Now, she did not exist, only She Venom  

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