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"I'm sorry they took it that way, babe," Eileen whispered to Kalani as she placed their foreheads together. She ran her hand up past her girlfriend's cheek, wiping the drying tears away and combing back her long dark hair. "I remember when I came out, it took a while for my family to come around and accept it, too."Kalani sniffed, then looked down at the blonde girl's feet, trying her best to force a smile. "I know Eily...it's just...it's not everyday your own parents call you a monster." Eileen stood up on her tiptoes, pressing her lips against Kalani's. The taller girl responded in kind, and the two locked for several moments in a tender kiss. The night wasn't off to a great start, with Kalani kicked out of her own home after introducing her girlfriend to her family, but at least she had Eileen to support her in finally accepting her sexuality.Behind them, the sun cast an orange glow across the beach as it set beneath the waves. The two continued walking quietly, hand in hand, their bare feet leaving behind two sets of imprints in the neatly pressed sand. The couple wore little aside from their swimsuits, and both the encroaching coolness of the night and the deserted state of the beach signaled that they best continue on their way back to Eileen's apartment."Ah, crap," Kalani muttered, breaking the silence as she felt her foot sink into a pile of something slick and sticky. She lifted it up, examining the black splotch covering much of her sole.Eileen's grip tightened. "What is it?""I think I stepped in some tar," she replied. She couldn't see too clearly in the darkness, but she could feel that the gooey lump had a surprising amount of thickness and heft.Her eyes scanned the path ahead, squinting as they came across a dimly lit public bathroom. "Think they have showers in there?""Might as well check it out," Eileen replied. As the two walked towards the small cement structure, Kalani rubbed her toes together in annoyance, feeling the sticky residue stick and stretch between them. She looked forward to taking a closer look when she had light, wondering if there was more of the black gunk stuck to her than she thought. When they arrived, the bathroom was thankfully both unlocked and empty. Kalani darted inside, observing the interior with disgust. The inside of the bathroom was lit by a couple of flickering fluorescent lights on the ceiling, revealing a wet and filthy green tiled floor. Against the wall were a pair of stained ceramic sinks, a series of stalls missing their doors, and two showerheads – one almost at the ceiling, the other around waist height.Kalani peeked back out the doorway. "This should do. I'll be quick!"Eileen smiled, crossing her arms. "Take your time. I've got a bunch of work emails that I have to catch up on by tomorrow, anyway." Kalani smiled back, closing the door behind her.The smile quickly turned upside down as she felt the unpleasant sensation of sand and water shifting beneath her every step. On the flip side, it felt like the wad of tar on her sole was no longer present – or at least, perhaps, had been worn away by the sand while they made their way up the beach. However, when she made her way to the showerhead and finally got a clear look at her foot in the light, what she discovered froze her in her tracks.Instead of a mere patch, the substance had managed to spread and envelope her entire foot like a form-fitting latex sock. The material on top was a shiny black, while the sole of her foot was now adorned in a glossy white. She wiggled her toes, which were each encased separately, and noticed the material didn't compress or fold as she did so. In fact, it was so tightly adhered to her that if she hadn't known better, she would have thought the black, rubbery skin was actually her own."What in the world...?"Unsure what do to or what to make of her condition, Kalani decided to try washing the substance off. She gave the shower button a push and directed the surprisingly powerful stream of water against the top of her foot. Beneath the splashing of the impact, it seemed like the substance was shifting and giving way, and Kalani started feeling relief at this sign of progress. Unfortunately for her, the relief was short lived. Before she could react, the black surface exploded into a mass of tendrils that shot up to her thigh. The sudden burst of black goo caught Kalani off guard, causing her to slip on the slick tile and land on her ass with a hard thud. She winced in pain, clenching her teeth as she rubbed her sore butt cheek, the spewing water now drenching her swimsuit and body.By the time she opened her eyes again, the rapidly expanding substance had nearly completely encased her leg in black. Its surface, now wet from the showerhead, gave off a glossy sheen, the luminescence of the lights overhead reflecting off of the trails and tiny beads of water. Where the black skin bordered her own, a web of slimy black tendrils were actively reaching out, crawling up her tanned flesh with fervor."Oh fuck, fuck!" Panic began setting in as Kalani attempted to grasp the writhing tendrils with her hands, but all she accomplished was to give them a shortcut up her body. The amorphous matter greedily spread up her forearms as her remaining bare leg also began succumbing to its relentless advance. More tendrils shot out from the advancing edges and weaved between her fingers and toes, constricting them tightly until, like with her other foot, it felt as though the rubbery skin was actually hers.The girl gasped for breath as the tendrils from her arms reached across and down her chest, momentarily compressing her diaphragm as they attempt to connect the two covered halves of her body. Instinctively, she ripped off her drenched top, relieving some of the pressure on her chest as her breasts – now encased in a rubbery white sheen – bounced free."Get...the fuck...off of me!" she cried out between breaths, increasingly helpless as her remaining patches of bare skin yielded to the writhing mass of black and white webbing. Aside from her face, only her midriff and groin remained untouched by the alien substance, a fact that it sought to remedy with haste. She watched, eyes open wide, as the tendrils dived under the fabric of her bikini bottom, her belly now the same pearly white as her breasts.Gasps of breath turned to loathsome moans as Kalani felt the tendrils plunge past and enter her between her legs. She bit her lip as she felt the writhing goo slide across her slick flesh, filling her within as it had encased her without. The intensity increased as the invading tendrils thickened, rocking Kalani to her core. She cried out involuntarily, half-heartedly still trying to claw off the substance from her body as she fell forward to her knees. With her damp hair clinging to her cheeks and her eyes closed in a mix of terror and bliss, the girl blindly reached out with her now-rubbery hands, desperate to escape from her ordeal.Outside, Eileen looked up from her smartphone and decided to check on Kalani, who she hadn't heard from in several minutes. The bathroom was well-insulated, and aside from a faint glow from the closed windows near the ceiling, the interior was all but hidden from the outside world. As she cracked open the door, the echoes of Kalani's cries finally escaped into the outside air.Eileen rushed in, her heart racing. She turned the corner, expecting an assailant of some kind, or perhaps an attack from a rabid animal.Instead she was greeted by the sight of her girlfriend on all fours, drenched from head to toe and virtually naked aside from her bikini bottom and what appeared to be skintight body glove that wrapped every corner of her body in a shiny pattern of black and white. Masses of tendrils writhed in the air as they dove and wrapped themselves around the girl's limbs."Holy shit," she muttered. She forced aside her shock as she rushed to Kalani, kneeling down and cupping her girlfriend's head in her hands."Hey, hey it's...it's okay," she whispered, crushing Kalani's hair from her face. "You-you're gonna be okay, alright babe? Just tell me what happened."Kalani grasped Eileen's arm with a rubbery hand and stared back at her with wide hazelnut eyes. "I don't...know...I...it just...aghhh!"Kalani's body shuddered and tensed. The muscles on her lean body strained and shifted in the light as the girl groaned in discomfort. She fell forward into Eileen's arms, teeth clenched as pressure began building along her spine.Eileen embraced her girlfriend, doing her best to comfort her. As her hands stroked Kalani's back, she could feel the muscles beneath the rubbery skin shifting, strengthening, each wave of change seeming to follow the rhythm of the girl's breath. The sound of cracking bone permeated the buzzing of the lights overhead as Eileen felt Kalani's vertebrae shift and grow. Two nubs of gooey flesh began forming, one between the girl's shoulderblades, and other at the base of her spine."Eily..."Her body tensed again, her arms wrapped around Eileen's back. Her grip was noticeably stronger."H...help...meeeuunnnnnggghhhhh..."Kalani let out a long moan as the two nubs exploded in a mass of tendrils. Eileen watched in a mix of shock and curiosity as the ones on Kalani's back began merging and solidifying into a sleek delta-shaped fin. Further down, the tendrils extending from the girl's spine weaved back and forth, intertwining into a slimy finned sleeve that took the apparent shape and pattern of an orca's tail. Kalani whipped it back and forth clumsily as it quickly filled with bone and tissue, unaccustomed to the sensation of the newly grown appendage.Eileen continued to hold her girlfriend close, her cloth covered breasts pressed against Kalani's bare rubbery ones in a comforting embrace. She could feel the rapid heartbeat from within her girlfriend's chest reverberating through her own."Eily...what's...."Her breathing was a mixture of pants, grunts and sobs."...what's happening to me...."Eileen pulled back slightly, staring back into Kalani's tearful eyes with her own. "I...I think you're...becoming something....""A...a monster...?"Kalani's eyes darted away. She grimaced and clenched her fists as Eileen watched a set of tendrils extend out of her elbows, stretching out in thin mass of dark webbing."No, no, something..." Eileen cupped Kalani's neck and back, bringing their lips together."...something beautiful."Tears streamed from Kalani's eyes as the growths on her elbows molded into a pair of curved fins. "You don't have to this, Eily."Eileen smiled, combing Kalani's hair back with her fingers. All she wanted in this moment was to be there for Kalani. To be together with her girlfriend. Her best friend. Her love."I don't have to do anything. I just want you..."She pecked her on the cheek."No matter what you are," Eileen whispered, "...no matter what you become."She leaned in again, denying Kalani a chance to protest as their lips met. She continued forward, pushing Kalani back against her wall, the girl's new fin and tail gently curling to the side as her shoulders pressed against the green tile. Eileen cupped Kalani's face with one hand as the other travelled downward. She marveled at the firmly defined muscles lining her girlfriend's altered body, the smooth but rubbery skin providing resistance as her palm drifted across. Her hand found its way under Kalani's bikini bottom, causing the girl to shudder as she felt it playfully circle around her mound.Her hand continued as their tongues danced, dragging the bottom down Kalani's legs and leaving her porcelain white slit bare and moist. Eileen crawled back as she tugged the bottom away, threading it around Kalani's sleek black legs, her tongue leaving a light trail as she teased Kalani's nipples and clit on the way down. Kalani's inhibitions eased at Eileen's advances, paving the way for her transformation to continue unimpeded. As Eileen pulled the last piece of clothing off of Kalani's raised foot, she watched as it began to flex and stretch, the shiny black and white toes twitching involuntarily as they shifted. Eileen cupped her heel in her hand as she kissed the smooth white bottom, encouraging the changes forth. "Wh...what are you –""Don't worry, Kalani," Eileen cut her off. "We'll embrace it. Together."Her lips traveled down the arch as her thumbs kneaded the balls of Kalani's sole. She massaged the lengthening foot gently, tugging each toe as it elongated, the tips pushing out into pointed, rubbery claws as the girl moaned in approval. Kalani glanced down at her foot, now only vaguely human in shape. She flexed and spread her freshly clawed digits as Eileen attended to her other foot, exploring their increased dexterity. She raised her hands in front of her as they followed suit, lengthening in a series of cracks and rips as tendons and bone grew, the tips of her fingers likewise pushing forth into sharpened points.Eileen made her way back up to Kalani's slit, her tongue playfully flitting as she worked to remove her top. She slid her own moistened bottom down her legs, tossing them aside and leaving herself fully exposed as well. The heat of their interaction pushed aside Kalani's dread with feelings of arousal, of need. Her excitement drove the alien substance into a frenzy, as it sensed a connection between its host and her mate and sought to exploit it. It manifested in the form of sudden pressure building within her clit, a feeling which felt even more foreign to her than all of the bodily changes thus far.Eileen felt a shudder from within Kalani as her clit swelled in heat. It twitched and throbbed in time with Kalani's gasps, teasing the girl with insatiable stimulation as it began expanding outward. "Oh my God," Kalani panted. "That's..."Without saying a word, Eileen cupped the growing white member with her mouth. Her tongue swirled around the forming, bulbous head, encouraging its grown as she teased it, sucking it outward. The novel sensation causing Kalani to flip her head back as she gasped with unfamiliar and escalating pleasure."Eily, I...I can...feel...it!"Kalani trailed off in ecstasy as her new penis continued to fill and harden, its length and girth now easily filling Eileen's mouth. The skin below sagged outward as Kalani's new testicles formed and dropped, the smooth white ballsack hanging down and swaying back and forth. Her rounded tip began dribbling with a viscous white fluid that Eileen worked to spread around and down her shaft.With a light pop, Eileen sucked off Kalani's member, grasping it in her hand as she climbed up and pressed their bodies together. She kissed Kalani deeply, dripping Kalani's juices into her own mouth as she did so. Their tongues met, their skin electric at every contact, every stroke. As they shared in their passion, something called out to Eileen, subconsciously instructing her as she tended to her partner. Slowly, gingerly, Eileen guided Kalani's dick into her slit, the lubrication allowing the large member to slide easily between her lips despite its size. She rode it up and down, slowly at first, guiding Kalani as she experienced her new penis for the first time. "Eily...no...," Kalani tried to protest, hard as it was to fight back her desire, her lust. If she let loose within her, she knew what would happen. "You...you'll turn-""Shhh," Eileen whispered as she locked their lips. "I know. I want this. I want us."Their bodies rocked, skin and flesh sliding past each other in a passionate caress. Kalani found her tendrils grasping at Eileen, pulling her closer as though responding to her own subconscious wills and needs. She felt her limbs lengthening, the changes continuing to take hold as resistance gave way to desire. Slowly she was losing herself to passion, to love, no longer repulsed by what had happened to her but instead longing to share it with her partner.Eileen felt the strong grip of Kalani's hands around her buttocks. She reciprocated, a tight embrace of Kalani's rubbery flesh as she felt the thick member thrust into her sex with renewed fervor. Juices leaked out as they swelled and slapped against each other, the silence filled only with the sounds of contact and the echoes of their moans and pants.As their rhythm continued, Kalani let out an animalistic cry, her tongue swelling, twisting in and around itself until it was far too large for her jaw. It flung out in a tide of saliva while tendrils from her neck peeled back her lips, revealing jaws lined with glistening pink gums and rapidly sharpening teeth.Kalani looked at Eileen, her eyes a mix of surprise and fear. Eileen nodded back in reassurance, watching as the last of her girlfriend's humanity was consumed by the onslaught of black goo. She caressed Kalani's head as her jaw dislodged and grew outward, her black-coated skull pushing forward into a rounded snout as the tendrils covered and absorbed the last of her hair into a smooth black scalp. As her head assumed its bestial form, Kalani felt her moans of bliss and pleasure give way to cetacean clicks and whines. She opened her new eyes for the first time, their blank alien stare gazing at Eileen, her love. Even in her heat, she wondered how she looked. She feared what she had become.The human girl gazed back lovingly, stroking her smooth head, the black shimmering skin decorated only by a pair of white eye spots."Oh Kalani...you...," Eileen gasped between pants. "...you're beautiful,""Eily..." the orca girl managed to reply, surprised she could even speak with her new mouth. Eileen nodded, kissing around Kalani's enlarged mouth as she continued to rock back and forth, the orca girl's eyes fluttering in relief. Even so, her mind was being bombarded with new animalistic instincts. Her mate approved of her. Her mate wanted her. Her mate wanted to be like her.Sweat beaded down Kalani's smooth black scalp as she felt the pressure building within her. Every slip of her tip past her lover's walls drove her mad. With her smooth, clawed hands, she tenderly rubbed her lover's soft breasts, her back, her ass, relishing in a thought of a lover that wanted her...that would share herself with her...that would accept her. Her drive increased, her body rushing towards her finish."Eily, I..."She clicked and growled, her slick white shaft entering and sliding in a crescendo of fluids and flesh."I'm...about to..."Eileen moaned in acknowledgement, grasping her partner's powerful shoulders in anticipation. Kalani was close, the pressure building and overwhelming until, in a long, drawn out gasp......she got her release.Eileen cried out as she felt the hot seed fill her. The warmth spread rapidly as she secured her embrace with her mate, yelling in pleasure as Kalani did the same. Over and over, Kalani pumped her load, wracking her body in her climax as she felt her alien cum enter her mate's pussy. She watched as it spilled out from Eileen's lips, overflowing in a mass of silvery tendrils that already were coming alive. "Oh...fu...hnnngh..." the blonde girl groaned, growing limp and resting her forehead on Kalani's snout. Their breath mixed as they embraced, breathing in deeply the scent of love, sea and sex.Even as Kalani continued thrusting, emptying the last of her load, the layer of grayish goo spread rapidly over Eileen's skin. The blonde girl allowed it to consume her, its advance unimpeded by thoughts of fear or resistance. It spread hungrily cross her body, wrapping her torso and limbs, her hands and feet soon encased in tightly bound gloves. Within moments, it had covered her from neck to toe, bonding with her skin while merging with her from within.Eileen gasped as she felt Kalani's penis grow limp and slip out of her, leaving being a trail of silvery cum. She cupped it in her now-goo covered hand, caressing the white member as it shrank back into Kalani's smooth mound. Kalani exhaled as she felt it retreat into her folds, revealing once again a set of female genitals. A powerful surge of changes rocked Eileen's body, causing her to collapse atop her lover as the substance began molding her into something more than human. Kalani clicked and nodded in approval as tendrils shot out into angled fins on Eileen's back and elbows, her spine pushing out in a series of cracks and pops as flesh filled in to form powerful vertically-finned tail.Kalani stroked and fondled Eileen's body, encouraging her transformation forth as she had done for her. The slick grey skin covering Eileen darkened into a pale blueish shade on her back as the muscles beneath toned and strengthened. Kalani's tongue danced across Eileen's light grey breasts, the tips stiff in arousal. In turn, Eileen's hand pressed Kalani's head against her chest, welcoming the worship from the slimy, fleshy appendage.Eileen rocked her tail back and forth in anticipation as she splayed her fingers and toes against the wet tile, stretching them outwards as they cracked, strengthened and elongated. She watched as smooth, curved claws liberated themselves from the tips of her fingers, feeling the same changes happening to her toes behind her. Her hands and feet lengthened, becoming stronger and more dexterous as her limbs did the same. The girl's body tensed as limbs stretched and muscle toned, sculpting her thin frame into a sleek bestial form.Eileen let loose a torrent of saliva as she found her tongue swelling up suddenly, forcing it to spill out of her mouth. Her lips peeled back from rows of sharpening teeth as silvery grey tendrils shot up her face from around her neck. As they wrapped over short hair and covered her eyes, she saw Kalani's face give a reassuring nod, one that she herself had given only moments before.With the last of her human skin and hair was consumed by the silvery material, Eileen could feel the alien entity reshaping her head with a host of predatory features. She grunted as her nose pulled up and forward into an angular snout, causing her to bear her numerous sharpened teeth. The top of her head flattened as her scalp stretched back into a fin, with two more flanking either side of her head. She clenched her new, powerful jaws together as her eyes, now a pale white like Kalani's, opened up to the world for the first time.The new shark girl stretched and tested her new face, snapping her jaws in the air while her long tongue flicked in and out. She looked down at her lover, seeking approval of her new form. "Beautiful..." she heard Kalani whisper below her with a toothy smile as she stroked Eileen's angular snout with her palm.The shark girl leaned into her, locking their jaws together. Their tongues wrapped and twisted in affection, paying no mind to the flinging of saliva as they shared a bestial kiss. The two feral beings rolled around the wet floor, letting loose in their passion as they explored their new bodies as lovers and monsters. They allowed themselves to succumb to their feral instincts, their bond strengthening as they shared themselves in new thoughts and sensations.It was not long before Eileen could feel something building from within that was at once alien and familiar. She guided Kalani's clawed hand down, revealing her own growing member to her partner in anticipation and excitement. The orca girl responded in delight, stroking Eileen's thickening shaft as it stiffened, spreading her juices around it in a slick coating. Eileen moaned, her tongue uncurled as she panted with open jaws, bombarded by pleasure as her partner fondled her package with gentle hands and a warm, wet tongue. The grey penis quickly gained in size as Kalani encouraged its growth, her altered tongue servicing it capably. She admired its large yet sleek appearance, at once mighty and elegant, observing it not just through sight but through touch as she felt Eileen's shudders and throbs through its girth.Eileen soon found her new cock acceptable, examining it while cupping her base and balls with her palm. The shark girl wasted no time in her pursuit, pushing Kalani against the tiled floor as she inserted herself with eagerness. Her thick grey member expanded against Kalani's walls, filling her as Eileen thrust in and out with savage thirst.Back and forth the two transformed bodies rocked as their previously elaborate dance gave way to sheer lust and love. As they did, tendrils extended from their skin, twisting and merging as they shared a connection deeper than any they had before. They felt each other's passion and pleasure merged with their own, the cumulative build up with each thrust becoming more and more overwhelming until, in a beastly roar, Ellie let loose.Muscles flexed and grips clenched as the two shared in climax, clinging to each other in support as they were overcome in wave upon wave of pleasure and ecstasy. Moans of relief echoed off the ceramic and concrete walls as Eileen released her seed, its warmth quickly spreading and bonding within her mate. The two stared into each others' white pupiless eyes, seeing past the alien appearance into the depths of the other's soul, savoring their shared connection and bliss as they recovered their breath.Eileen's thrusts tapered off, her shaft drawing back in until her mound was once again smooth. For several moments, the air seemed still, filled only with the quiet sounds of breathing as the two animalistic forms gazed at each other, the shark on top of her orca mate.All of a sudden, the silence was broken by the sound of girlish laughter as Eileen playfully let her body go limp on top of Kalani's. They pressed their snouts against each other as they embraced, having shared perspectives and desires in a manner that was impossible prior to their transformation. Doubts, insecurities and fears melted away as they gained insight into just how deep their affinity for each other really was, a connection that would see them through any conflict within or without.As they cherished their newfound affirmation of mutual love and dedication, the two drifted to sleep, their minds and bodies exhausted by the events of the night. ***Eileen opened her eyes groggily as she heard her phone buzzing from her bag. She lazily brushed her hair from her face as she squinted in the glare from the window, searching for the source of the disturbance. From her side, Kalani sleepily murmured in annoyance, her arms around Eileen's waist.With a sweep of her arm, Eileen managed to locate her bag, drawing it to her and pulling her smartphone out. The screen showed several missed calls from her coworkers, along with the time."Ah shit, I'm late," the blond girl sat up, at that moment also realizing that both she and Kalani were stark naked on the floor of a filthy public restroom. She reached down to Kalani as she tried to wake her up."Wake up, babe. We gotta..."As she shook Kalani's arm, Eileen noticed the simple black marking of a whale's tail adorned on the tanned skin."We...."Memories of the previous night began flooding back. Eileen recalled their transformation, their sex, their bond. It seemed ridiculous, and yet...."Kalani..." Eileen whispered as she leaned down and kissed her girlfriend on the lips. She smiled as she felt the girl's lips do the same.Kalani reluctantly opened her eyes. Her face quickly turned to a frown as she looked at Eileen's body, then her arm and the new tattoo of a fin that had appeared on it."Eily, you're kinda...naked...and you've got..." she raised an eyebrow at the mark."Yeah, you've got one too." Eileen pointed at the black tail on Kalani's arm.Kalani's eyes fluttered for a second as her memories flashed back, wiping her grogginess away in an instant. She remembered her sadness, her annoyance, her terror, and ultimately...her relief."So, it...it all happened," she replied, her words more a statement than question. "Me, you..." Her mouth widened into a smile."Us."They stared at each other in a moment of silence, then began to draw their lips towards each other when the moment was pierced by another bout of buzzing from Eileen's phone."Work?" Kalani asked, concerned."Yeah, I...we better get going." Eileen replied, tossing her phone in her bag. "Honestly it's a miracle nobody's walked in on us yet.""Maybe they did and you just ate them up," Kalani teased, playfully biting Eileen on the neck. Eileen laughed as she brushed her girlfriend off.The two quickly washed the sand off their bodies and got dressed, trying their best not to look too disheveled as they prepared to finally return to Eileen's apartment. Kalani was just about to open the bathroom door when Eileen stepped forward, placing her hand on top of hers. "Hey babe, listen..."She came closer, hugging the other girl tightly as she whispered in her ear."I...I don't know what we are now. Maybe this was a gift, maybe a curse. Maybe...maybe we're monsters now after all."She breathed in deeply of Kalani's scent, as the other girl did the same to her, their hearts echoing in unison."But whatever we are...we're in it..."Kalani stepped back, looking back at Eileen with glistening eyes as she whispered back, "...together."Eileen nodded. "Together."There was one more kiss, one more embrace......and then the two pulled back the handle, their silhouettes disappearing into the light as they returned once again to the outside world.

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