Sins of the Daughter

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  The low hum of the hover cars bussed pass Deanna Clay's window constantly kept her awake, but it was not the only thing keeping her from a good nights sleep. It was not the dull neon lights that hanged all around the neo-metropolis that was Gotham City, nor the massive crimes that were committed on daily basis. Her fear was deep rooted in something else entirely. Over the pass few months, this fear had manifested into insomnia. The fear kept her seemed always on edge, waiting for someone, something. So she invested every credit card she had into the best security money could buy to protect herself: automated gun turrets positioned on every corner outside her apartment; two of the best tainted body guards in Gotham, whom if they wanted to, could kill a man in under six seconds flat; and camera so tiny an small yet fine, that if they zoomed in enough, could show every hair on a fly. She never came out of her home, and even rarely never came out of her room. She repainted to the room in a sterilized white, every piece of furniture was painted in a sterile while, even her bed. Even that night she wore loose fitting white blouse and even white panties. She hated seeing anything that was black, except her own dark brown hair. Once she lived in the lap of luxury, now had became a prisoner of her own fantasies...She let out a sigh, and looked over and checked the cameras. Nothing. Again. For the third time. She let out another sigh, and cautiously closed her eyes and slowly drift off to sleep.
"...hush little baby..."
Deanna started to stir in the bed, but didn't wake from her deep sleep.
"...don't say say a word..."
Deanna suddenly woke up. She began looking around the room franticly. She quickly glanced at the camera monitors near her bed. The guards were still standing, unwaivering in the focus. She got out of her bed, and combed through the entire room, with her white blouse flustering behind her.
"...mama is gonna by you a mocking bird..."
Deanna froze in her tracks. She knew that voice, she thought, but where is it coming from? She moved every piece of furniture, checked every conner of her room, but she found nothing. She looked on the camera. The guards were still standing, in fact, they were standing too still. Denna zoomed in one of the faces of the guards. Deanna was shocked to find the guard with a dead stare, mouth slack jawed, and drooling on himself. A slow running, red stream of blood flowed from the guards nose. Deanna put her hands on her face in shock. She suddenly felt ill and ran to throw up. As she did, she heard something move in the background. She quickly turned her head, but nothing was behind her. She started to panic, she quickly went to bed, and pulled out a gun from underneath it. She was so frightened, the could not hold the gun straight; it shook violently in her hands.
"...and if that mocking bird don't sing..."
There it is again, she thought, where is it coming from?
"...mama going to buy you a diamond ring..."
Deanna's heart was beating like a piston, she breathed heavily and intently. She climbed back into the bed, pointing the gun randomly at anything that seemed menacing.
"Show yourself!" she shouted franticly, "I know you're here!"
No one responded back to Deanna. The room fell into a deep and sudden silence. Deanna kept looking around the room, but she still could not find the origin of the sound.
"...well, well, well...I see the money you earned for killing me is put to good use..."
"Stop or I'll shoot!" Deanna scream that the top of her lungs.
Then suddenly Deanna felt something right behind her.
"...Hello, Deanna..." the creature whispered quietly
Deanna quickly turn but the creature quickly collided around her. The dark black liquid tightly held her in place, like a cobra preparing to squeeze the life out of its prey. A large white circle was right in front Deanna's face.
"...Hello, Deanna..." it said to her, "...we have some catching up to do..."
Deanna was paralyzed by her fear, her fear of seeing her mother, Inque.
"Y...Y..your..d...d...dead! I injected you with the solvent!"
"Oh, yes," Inque replied charismatically, "how can I forget that? Having your daughter a temping to kill you sticks in head."
Deanna struggled to get herself free.
"All you did was give me money! Your not my mother!"
"Money was all I could give you! How could I be a mother when I looked like this!"
"You could at least let me know that you were still alive...but that will not be a problem anymore..."
Deanna quickly fired of the gun she held in her hand. Inque screamed in pain and loosen her grip. Deanna quickly slipped free and rushed towards the door. She tried opening the door but it was locked. Inque quickly lunged her entire liquid body at Deanna, trying to recapture her. Deanna dodged the attack, but was grabbed on ankle by Inque. She was suspended upside down by Inque, franticly trying to free herself. She tried to shoot Inque with her gun but it was slapped out of her hands by a tentacle protruding from Inque's liquidly form.
"Go ahead and kill me! I know that's what you want to do!" Deanna shouted
Inque drew her face closer to Deanna, then gently sat her back down on her bed.
"Why didn't you kill me?" Deanna said with tears in her eyes.
Inque moved herself over Deanna. She began to reform herself. Her face changed from a white dot to a feminine face with long black hair, deep blue skin, and dark black eyes and lips. Inque held out a long tentacle, which formed into hand, and stroked Deanna's short brown hair. Inque formed a pair legs and sat by her daughter.
"I know that I was not the greatest mother in the world. You have every right to hate me. However, even though you have tried to kill me. You are my daughter, and I still love you. I thought it would be fitting to just let you know that...before die."
"The solvent you injected to me is breaking down my cells. So I won't be able to hold a human form. Soon I won't be able to be in any form."
"Oh this all my fault!" Deanna cried out while tears feel from her eyes.
Inque winced a little bit as each tear hit her liquid body.
"It is not your fault. I only sent money, I could never send you any love, any support, just money. Its not surprising what you did."
"You seem so calm about all of this..." Deanna said while still softly crying.
"It is my time. I am tired of all of the jobs, tired of Batman, I'm tired of every double crossing client. I never intended my life to be wasted like this. I just wanted to get enough money, so I could come back and be a good mother. Now I won't get that chance..."
"Mom..." Deanna said
"I am sorry for all of the trouble I've caused but I could not just die without seeing you for one last time..."
With that remark, Inque walked over to the window, and sorrowfully opened it. She looked at her daughter, and let out a sigh. She perched herself on the window sill preparing to jump out into the busy streets of Gotham.
"I've transferred a million credits into your bank account. Use it wisely. Goodbye..."
"Wait" Deanna shouted "Where are you going?"
"I don't know..." Inque bluntly replied, "I don't know..."
"Mom, wait!"
Deanna ran over and hugged her mom tightly. Inque was surprised by Deanna's action but slowly wrapped her arms around Deanna as well.
"I love you too, Mom!" Deanna said "Please, I'm sorry! Don't go!"
Inque quietly held her daughter tightly, liquid skin swirled around. A sinister smile grew across Inque's black shiny lips.
"Oh, mom is not going anywhere..." Inque said in a sinter tone.
"What are you saying?"
Suddenly, Inque began to tighten her grip on Deanna.
"Mom, I can't move!" Deanna said in a panicky tone
"That's the whole point...."
Suddenly, Deanna hands were covered in Inque's dark liquidly skin. Skin began to move up her arms.
"I can move my hands! What's wrong? I don't understand?"
Inque shook her head unsympathizingly.
"You don't get it do you, my dear? Sigh, let me explain. True, I am dieing. That solvent is deteriorating my cells at an alarming rate..."
Inque's liquid skin continued to coat Deanna covering her arms and moving down her blouse.
"...however, I learned about something very interesting about my situation. Apparently, if I had enough human DNA, it might not only stabilize my DNA, it could make me look human and still keep my powers..."
Deanna's blouse fell off as Inque's liquid skin pushed it off, covering her chest and breasts.
"...unfortunately, I had comprised most of my DNA. And then I thought about you..."
The liquid skin flowed down under Deanna's underwear, pushing them off her body, and coating her legs and feet.
" share most of my DNA. You were perfect."
Inque's liquid black skin now coated Deanna's inter body except for her face.
"But I'm you daughter..." Deanna pleaded to Inque.
"...And you tried to kill me...Maybe you should have done your homework, you should know that I don't take double crosses lightly. And if I can absorb you and save myself. Even better..."
Inque began to put Deanna closer into herself her leg merged into her body.
"Wha!? What's happening to me?!"
"We're becoming one...glorious thing isn't it?"
Soon both of Deanna's legs were absorbed into Inque. Inque showed no compassion for what was happening to her daughter.
"Why? I still don't get why?" Deanna said as her left arm was being absorbed into Inque.
"Why? I gave you every opportunity to be a better person. A better person that I wasn't and you ignored it. You lived in the lap of luxury, while I had pieces of me being blasted out of me, just satisfy your selfish desires. You threw your life away the day you shot me. I never came to hurt you, yet you tried to kill me for monetary gains...I believe justice is getting served."
Deanna watched in horror as her torso was suspended in the air, her thighs being adsorbed into Inque's stomach, her arm was slowly engulfed into Inque's back. Slowly she sank like trapped in quicksand.
"No, Deanna, you will not die." Inque said sternly, "However, you will trapped. Trapped inside the being that you tried to slay. You will soon know the pain I went through for you."
Soon, Deanna's torso was adsorbed into Inque's back, only leaving her face. She looked out to her room, probably the last time she would look, though her jade green eyes full of tears.
"I though you" Deanna said with her last breath before being completely absorbed.
"I thought the same thing..." Inque replied back bluntly.
Soon, Deanna was completely absorbed into Inque. Inque stood prouldy of her accoplishment.
"Never try to double cross me...AH!"
Inque suddenly fell onto the floor,crying out in pain.
She fell onto her hands and knees. She arched her back, in pain. She then grabbed her knees, and her liquid body formed a completely-perfect looking sphere. The sphere shone with a black evil color, with streaks blue swirling around like clouds on a living globe. After five long minutes, sphere began to disappear. There, where the sphere once was, appeared a nude female body. The woman picked herself slowly off the ground. She looked at her soft peached colored hands, she was in awe. She then ran over to a mirror on the door and looked at herself. A large sinister smiled appeared on it. She ran over to the window that was already opened. She perched herself on the edge of the window sill and then jumped out into the busy metropolis of Gotham...
" other news of the day, police are still baffled by the strange murder. The murder happened at the residence a woman by the name of Deanna Clay. Gotham police have stated that two guards stationed inside of Ms. Clay residence were killed. While the cause of death is unknown, police both guards seemed to have suffered from a brain hemorrhage. As for the whereabout of Deanna Clay, police are unsure. If you have any information..."
It was five o'clock in downtown Gotham, and the five o'clock news was blaring on one the large television sets on the outside of one of the major news stations. People were moving in and out, down the sidewalk, not really paying any extra attention to what the broadcast was saying, except for one. One young woman with soft peach colored skin, long black hair, deep blue lips, and dark blue eyes. She wore a tight black t-shirt that showed her belly button, tight black jeans, and black and blue colored shoes. The woman seemed entranced by what the reported, even pleased. She let out a twisted smile, and even get out a little giggle. A few people who had stopped a listen to the report, turned around and scolded her.
One small, frail older woman said "Don't you have any decency? A murder happened and a poor young woman is missing!"
"He he he...if you only knew...." the young woman replied back.
She walked down a dark alley behind her, leaving the woman still stuck on her words. As she walked down the alley she still wore that twisted smiled which a grown.
"Someday," she said to herself, "I might not need you. I might let you go. But then again that day might not happen for a long time...or if I'm lucky, never at all..."
She let out a short little cackle and continued deeper into the alley...
Later that day, police reports confirmed sightings of a ink-like creature running through the city...  

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