11th February 2012

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"Saeboeumnim, I want to go to restroom. Where is it?" I asked my Taekwondo's coach after my match. "Walk outside this hall and go to your right side, follow the way then you'll find the restroom."

I nodded and followed his direction as my feet stepped confidently out from the hall. But not so long after I walked outside the hall I heard a bell sound rang, echoed along the hallway. The students filled the hallway shortly thereafter.

"Excuse me...." I said while bowing my head a bit when I walked passed them who stood in the middle of my way. Seriously, highschool student is quite arrogant. When I walked beside them I could feel a death stare toward me. It's because I'm still a junior highschooler. Then why? I can't walk to restroom??

Sometimes I rolled my eyes when I received those kind of stare. And I was thinking, how can the way to restroom seemed so far? I couldn't hold myself any longer, but I'm not a kid anymore. So I stayed calm and kept walk anyway.


Someone bumped into me and almost made me fall to the front.

"Oh oh! Sorry!" I heard a voice behind me.

Yep this person held my arm so I'm not falling down. Fortunately.

I faced the boy behind me. From his uniform, I could confirmed that he's a senior. "Are you okay kid?" he asked me.

"Well I'm fine, thanks for gripped my arm." I said.

He just nodded then patted my shoulder. "Okay. Gotta go." He said then ran again to the end of the hallway and he turned right. I stayed there for a bit longer, staring at his disappearance. After shrugged my shoulder, I walked again. The odd thing was I walked to the same direction as that boy.

Maybe he was in hurry because he's also heading to the restroom?

And the answer is

Yes he is.

I met him again in restroom.

"Oh you again?" He first recognized me and I just smiled as a reply.

"Hm.... By any chance, are you from Busan?"

I stopped washing my hand and looked at the older. "I have friend who has the same Taekwondo's uniform as yours. I'm from Busan too." he smiled.

"I'm Park Jimin. And what's your name, kid?"

"Jeon Jungkook and I'm not a kid." I answered and I heard a chuckle from him. "Well, well. I hope we can meet again, in Busan or here if the fate allows. Bye kid!" he patted my head and flashed me a smile then left. That Jimin guy strongly a weird boy I've ever meet. I furrowed my eyebrows while walked out from the restroom.

Who want to meet a stranger?

No I'm not.


(✅) Spring DayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora