16th April 2014

98 6 0

'Ferry sinks off South Korean coast

At least four people died and 295 were missing Wednesday after a South Korean passenger ferry carrying 450 people capzised and sank off the country's south coast. About 320 of the people on board were high-school students traveling with teachers to the resort island of Jeju. Search vessels and helicopters hurried to the scene to pluck people from the stricken ship. Authorities said they could not immediately determine what went wrong.'



y jaw dropped when I red the news earlier.

"No. It must be another ferry." I said to myself. I didn't believe the news, but my heart ached so bad. I reached my phone and dialed my mother's number.

"Mom. Mom! Have you heard about the news?!" I abruptly asked my mom when the call was connected. I wasn't breathing properly because I'm so panic.

"Mom who's that?" I heard someone cried vaguely. When my mom answered me, my breath hitched. "No it must be another ferry." I said. My voice being so shaky.

"Jimin Hyung. Hyung will alive right, mom? He can do everything, sure he will escaped right??" I started to cry when I know it was the ferry which Jimin Hyung used to go to Jeju.

My mom told me to stay calm and she hung up the phone because there's Jimin Hyung's family in my house, the crying sound I heard was from his mother. My heart was so broke when vaguely I heard my dad said over two hundred person is missing. Even I've red it, but I still didn't believe it. But my dad made it way clearer.

I couldn't just stay still. I rushed out from apartment without forgetting to bring my phone along with me. I ran and ran and almost being hit by a car which driven very fast. But fortunately I fell to the back.


"Hey are you stupid or something?!" the driver cursed to me.

I couldn't even hear him anyway. I stood up then ran to the school. I'm sure there's confirmation in school.

Stupidly I'm not even use any footwear and I kept ran to school.

I'm not wrong.

The gate was wide opened and all the parents were there, crying, spread everywhere like a mess.

I ran to the building and let my feet stepped along the hallway where the parents also there. I went to the administration locket and I should break through some of the parents who crying or even screaming their kid's name.

"Mrs. Choi. Mrs. Choi, I'm Jeon Jungkook, from 11th grade, I want to check Park Jimin, a student from 12th grade. He was from 12.2." I said. I don't know what kind of strength I have until I could speak those words without stuttering at all.

"Park Jimin? Wait."

I was being pressed by other older person who tried to check their kid. I barely breathe, some people stepped on my foot and it made me groaned. "Still missing." Mrs. Choi said to me.

Suddenly the the noise around me like being muted. I heard her clearly.

Still missing.

I fainted, but still managed to escaped from those crowds. I walked to the side. I sat on floor and felt hopeless.

When I placed my hand to my laps, I remember that I still can call Jimin Hyung, in a very last chance, I did call him.

I bit my lower lips, hoping that he would answered me.

And he did.


My eyes widened. "H-hyung! Hyung are you safe?!" I stood up and ran away from the crowds, tried to find better signal, somewhere quiet.

"K-kook. I-I'm - - - - the w- - er is ev- - -"

"Hyung I can't hear you clearly! Tell me are you okay??!" I couldn't hold back my tears. I've already reached the yard behind the school and nobody there. I was sure the signal there was still good but Jimin Hyung's wasn't good as mine.

"It's cold." I heard his voice become cracked. "Hyung, Hyung please just move if you're still inside the ship and please swim outside. All the rescue teams already there!"


I cried even more when I heard him calling my nick name. "Hyung, please...."


"You don't make any mistakes, hyung! Please go outside!" I yelled. "I've me- - - age my m - - - - - - - -" and then I heard a loud beep sound from my phone. The call has ended, no it was out of the range.

I fell on my knees.

"Hyung please....."


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