December 2012

104 6 0

"Come on, Kook. You will waste a lot of money if you used another transportation." Jimin Hyung shook my body as I kept refusing him. "I won't go back to Busan then." I pouted.

"Your mom called me this afternoon, stupid." Hyung flicked my head. "But I don't want, Hyung! It will be very crowded! I hate crowds, you know it." I grunted irritably. Jimin Hyung sighed. "But at least you're not alone."


"Where is our seat, hyung?" I asked Jimin Hyung who walked confidently towards one seat in the middle of wagon.

"Here." Jimin Hyung suddenly put his bag on one seat then he sat on the side of window. "Sit here, Kook." He tapped empty seat beside him and I followed his command.

Not so long after that the wagon started to became full by passenger. Even the seat beside me. There's an old man took that seat.

First, I felt fine, but when the old man slept and leaned on my shoulder then made my space become narrow and narrowed. I shot a death glare to Jimin Hyung who kept chuckling lowly watching me struggling.

After we arrived at Busan, Jimin Hyung laughed very loud until all the people around us looking at us.

"Hyung stop." I grunted again.

"Kook, you're so funny you know?" he giggled.

"I hate it, hyung. I don't want to use train again."

"Hey, hey. No. We will always used train. Always."



"No hyung!! No!!" I whined. Jimin hyung chuckled. "Kid, you're not alone. Don't worry." he patted my head.

This hyung always called me kid. I always refused to be called like that but this time I felt like I was with my older sibling.

He really took care of me, always bought me food, and even make sure that I will be fine all the time. I felt safe around Jimin Hyung.

That was the first time I used the train.

Yeah, even though I hate it, but as long as I'm around Hyung....

I always felt fine.


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