Chapter 6

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Littlepaw licked his chest fur, grateful that he didn't have to get moss like Oakpaw had to for his first apprentice task, Oakpaw had complained and complained to Hawkeye but the stubborn warrior just shook his head. Colliesoul hadn't instructed Littlepaw to do the most interesting thing either, but at least he was learning sents instead of gathering moss. Littlepaw carried on padding behind his mentor and smelt many sents of prey, birds sang in the misty air but it was easy for him to ignore the squawking. He was happy that his mother, Yellowstripe, was able to get an apprentice, she had been in the nursery for many moons and Moonpaw would surely help her stretch her legs. Littlepaw saw a moth flutter by and he bounded over to it, he quickly stopped himself. I'm not a kit anymore, He reminded himself when he had the title Littlekit he would have used all his strength to swat any butterfly or moth he saw, but now he had to act sensible and mature. It was only then that Littlepaw realized he couldn't see Colliesoul. His amber eyes scanned the area, searching for the familiar white and black fluffy fur that his mentor had. Littlepaw desperately sniffed the cool air, he wasn't lost was he? His head quickly shot up as he heard a twig snap, he spun around but no one was there. Littlepaw slowly backed away, what if he would never find his clan again? Littlepaw shook his head, a search patrol would find him just like they had found Spiderpaw when he disappeared from the nursery. Shock pulsed through his body as he felt warm fur touch him, he immediately smelt his mentor.

" Next time use your nose if I was a rouge I could have easily crept up on you." Colliesoul reminded Littlepaw. He nodded and sniffed about.

" What now? Are we going to practice hunting?" Littlepaw hopefully mewed. Colliesoul shook his head and gazed into the distance, Littlepaw wondered how many times the warrior had come here.

" I know It's your first time out of camp, but danger can be anywhere. So today I will teach you a very simple defense and attack move." Colliesoul informed his apprentice. Littlepaw swayed his long ginger tail in excitement, his new den mates would be so jealous that he learned battle tactics on his first time out! 

" Watch closely." His mentor instructed. Littlepaw nodded and carefully watched his mentor, making sure he didn't miss a heartbeat of the move. Colliesoul swiftly slashed his paw through the air, stopping where his paw would have hit a cats head. Littlepaw felt a little wave of disappointment spread through his body, he knew it would be simple but he basically already knew that move. His thinking had made him miss Colliesoul telling him something, but Littlepaw guessed that he had asked him to try the move so he lashed his paw out like Colliesoul had. " Good job, now try it on me." Colliesoul meowed. Littlepaw felt his heart quicken, it was time to prove himself! But as he slashed his paw where Colliesoul's head was, his paw went through the air as Colliesoul ducked his blow and rolled out of Littlepaws reach.

" That was great! Can I learn that defense move?" Littlepaw eagerly asked his mentor. Colliesoul nodded and demonstrated the move once more. It took Littlepaw awhile to get the roll correct, but when Colliesoul lashed his paw at him he found it easy to get back onto his forepaws. His first lesson had ended there, although it was simple Littlepaw felt satisfaction surge through him. Oakpaw would be so annoyed that Colliesoul wasn't his mentor! He kept on trotting to camp, his ginger fur showing through the ferns. The cool scent of Rippleclan reached his nose, and he dashed into the camp.

The cool, breezy air brushed against his fur and he padded over to the apprentice's den. He felt disappointment flood his thoughts as none of the apprentices were inside, he decided to have some prey instead. Littlepaw saw a squirrel hanging from the pile and grabbed it by the tail, a surge of annoyance hit him as a dove tumbled from the pile. He quickly dropped his squirrel and carefully placed the bird back into the pile. He picked his squirrel back up and trotted into the clearing, he sat down and waited for any of his den mates to show up. Warmth spread through his mouth as he ate his squirrel, leaving no leftovers or traces of it. It wasn't long before Oakpaw showed up, his ambers eyes were glazed with annoyance, Littlepaw guessed he hadn't enjoyed his task.

" Did you have fun cleaning up after the elders?" Littlepaw smirked, Oakpaw flashed him a glare and licked his hazle-nut colored paws. Littlepaw rolled his eyes, "I'm sure Hawkeye will take you out to hunt tomorrow, I might be able to come to!" Littlepaw positively meowed.

Oakpaw shrugged his shoulders, " Perhaps, but don't think I'll catch the prey for you!" Oakpaw muttered. Littlepaw shook his head, his brother was always in a grumpy mood these days, whether he was bickering with Spiderpaw or not getting his way. Littlepaw shifted his glance over to the medicine den, wondering what Honeypaw was doing.

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