Chapter 12

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Honeypaw felt relief swirl through her at Oakpaw's apology. She hadn't been as angry with Littlepaw as she had been with Oakpaw because his reason made sense, he had also been treated by her when he came back to camp soaking wet and he took that opportunity to say sorry.

She hared across the camp to where Webfoot, her mentor, was sitting. He searched the clouds and frowned, was he looking for signs from Starclan?  She padded up to her mentor, excitement squeezing her heart.

" Today we are going to share tounges with Starclan." He announced, his gaze cool as ice. Honeypaw felt her heart stop. She would get to see Starclan! She tried to speak but she couldn't think of any words to describe her happiness so she just nodded. She eagerly followed Webfoot to the Star echo, her mind raced as she thought about what she might see. She was surprised at how calm her mentor was, but then again he had probably done this many times.

" How often will we share with Starclan?" Honeypaw asked. Webfoot sat down and looked into the ocean-blue pool. 

" About once a moon," Webfoot answered, Honeypaw opened her mouth to speak again but Webfoot was a step ahead of her. " Starclan doesn't come to us and tell us, we just know when its time." Webfoot meowed. Honeypaw dipped her head and looked around, Acornleaf and Ripplecloud were busy chatting as Spiderpaw impatiently glared at them, Beepaw and Cloudpaw were bringing in fresh moss for the elders,  Lakepelt, Solstice, and Pineclaw were leaving for the evening patrol. All of these cats seemed to enjoy what they were doing, but did they feel incomplete without seeing Starclan? Honeypaw ignored the thought, they had chosen their path and she had chosen hers. Webfoot stared into her eyes and she waited for him to let her begin.

"Honeypaw, is it your wish to enter the mysteries of StarClan as a medicine cat?" Webfoot asked, his tail swishing on the floor.

" It is," Honeypaw responded, feeling excitement tingle in her paws.

"Then come forward," Webfoot began. Honeypaw stepped forward and waited for his next words. "Warriors of StarClan, I present you with this apprentice. She has chosen the path of a medicine cat. Grant her your wisdom and insight so that she may understand your ways and heal her Clan in accordance with your will." Webfoot nodded and Honeypaw took a sip from the Star echo. She curled up and got ready for her dream and felt her vision fade.

Honeypaw gazed around her and squinted at the sudden brightness. The air was clear and Honeypaw felt the scents of the seasons fill her nose.

" Greetings Honeypaw, we have been expecting you." A voice called. Honeypaw spun around and her eyes widened as she saw three cats face her. They all had hollow pelts, one was brown with a white muzzle and chest, one was ginger with a white underbelly and the last one was black with white paws. She dipped her head respectfully to the spirit cats. " My name is Darkstar, I was the leader of Rippleclan before Ashstar, this is Oakpelt and this is Raventail." Darkstar introduced.

" It is nice to meet you Honeypaw, we have watched over you. I was an apprentice with your mother." Oakpelt calmly meowed. Honeypaw felt suddenly nervous, what should she say?

" I also knew your mother for a short time," Raventail began. Honeypaw twitched her ears, what did he mean for a short time? " I used to be in Ravenclan I met your mother in a battle." He meowed, was that regret Honeypaw saw flash in his eyes? She also wondered why a cat from one of the enemy clans as here.

" If you are from Ravenclan why are you here to greet me?" Honeypaw asked, surely he would still be loyal to his clan's ways? Honeypaw felt a jolt of sadness pass through her as his eyes flashed with sadness. 

" That isn't important right now, we have a message for you." Darkstar meowed, trying to change the subject. Honeypaw's heart lurched with surprise and she leaned in closer. " The blades of the sun will push away the thistle and sparrow..."  Darkstar ominously meowed. Honeypaw gasped at the change of her tone, what did the message mean? She felt annoyance prickle her fur as they started to fade away.

"What do you mean?! Don't go yet!" She yowled and wished to stay longer, Raventail walked up to her and brushed his fur against hers.

" It will all be okay, just follow your heart..."

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