Chapter 7

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Honeypaw sniffed the coltsfoot that was inside the medicine cat den. Webfoot had instructed her to smell all the herbs so she could remember their scents. So far she had learned what dock leaves and juniper berries smelt like, although she wished she could be told there purpose. She quickly noted in her head that Coltsfoot had a sweet scent like honey and then she moved on to the next herb. Before Webfoot told her to stop, she noted down the smell of horsetail, tansy, thyme, and lavender.

" You seem to be keen about learning herbs, why are you so interested?" Webfoot questioned her. She shrugged her shoulders and thought for a few heartbeats, perhaps this was her destiny?

" We all have our own destinies, I guess Starclan chose that my destiny would be to heal the wounded and sick." Honeypaw guessed, hoping it was true. Webfoot nodded approvingly and grabbed some thyme.

" Do you know what thyme does?" Webfoot asked. Honeypaw shook her head, it could be for anything! She took in the warm sent and felt calmness spread through her, whoever it was for would surely like its soothing smell.

" Thyme can be used to calm cats down, its great for queens who have lost their kits or cats who have lost someone close to them." Her mentor explained. Honeypaw nodded in understanding and watched as he delicately put down the herb. " Are supplies for thyme are very high as we are quite lucky to have it growing in camp if you want to you can put some in your nest," Webfoot added. Honeypaw couldn't help but twitch her paws, thyme had a lovely scent and now she could have it in her nest!

She looked around the den, all kinds of interesting smells surrounded her and she was excited to learn about them all. Her nose twitched as she realized the fruity scent of juniper berry was quite faint, it wasn't long until Webfoot realized too.

" It seems that we are low on juniper berries." He announced. Honeypaw twitched her ears, she had not learned what the purple berries did but judging from Webfoots panic in his eyes she guessed they were important.

" Should I go and fetch some?" Honeypaw suggested. She saw a flicker of doubt in her mentor's eyes but he nodded anyway.

" They grow in dry places, take someone with you in case you run into trouble. Please be quick as Lilyflower had trouble breathing earlier." Webfoot instructed. Honeypaw nodded and padded out of the den, sunlight brushing against her golden colored fur. She scanned the camp, searching for someone to go with. Her eyes landed on the apprentice's den, Oakpaw, and Littlepaw were sharing tounges at the entrance. She quickly raced toward them and her brothers looked up at her in surprise.

" Are you okay? Whats the rush?" Littlepaw questioned her, his head tilted in confusion. Honeypaw gave herself a second to catch her breath. 

" Webfoot ordered me to go into the forest to find some juniper berries, he wanted me to take someone with me. Will one of you come?" She hopefully asked her brothers. They both shifted their paws uneasily and glanced at each other. 

" I um, I'm a bit tired after Colliesoul taking me into the forest to train. Besides, I think it would be good to let Oakpaw do some exploring." Littlepaw meowed, Honeypaw could see that he was trying to make an excuse. Oakpaw gave Littlepaw a small glare and turned back to Honeypaw.

" Littlepaw promised to teach me the moves he learned, I want to impress Hawkeye by showing him what I know already." Her brother lied. Honeypaw held back a growl. Yeah right, you just want it to show off to Spiderpaw and not have to come with me. Honeypaw whipped around and snorted disapprovingly. 

" Fine then. It's nice to know that my own brothers would let a cat die, just because they couldn't be bothered to come on a little trip!" Honeypaw hissed and stormed off, anger pulsing through her. She ignored Littlepaw's and Oakpaw's protests as she ran away, it wasn't her fault her mother had given birth to mouse brains.

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