My Cat ate a Werewolf

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Hello everyone! I am Catherine Beauregard, and my pet Minnie is the cutest cat in the world! At least, that's what I thought until I saw her eating something in the foul in my parent's backyard.She is still my best friend! I am not a crazy cat girl, though. 

At first, I was not sure what it was, then I figured it must have been the leg of a dog or a wolf. It grossed me out immensely. I immediately picked up my kitty cat, and brought her inside to clean off the blood that was all over her mouth. It was pretty tough but, I managed to do it with a piece of cloth and some soap; Minnie never minds when I clean her up, she is a good cat.

The next few weeks were pretty weird. In just one week, Minnie had grown a few inches taller, and gained ten pounds! I was astonished. I thought she had stopped growing two years ago. My older brother could probably explain the sudden transformation with big sciency words. I dunno if I can get used to having a large bobcat as a pet. 

My older brother, Jake, is a scientist that works at a lab so, I figured giving him the dead leg Minnie ate would allow him to find out what kind of animal it belonged to. 

While I waited for his answer, Minnie had begun to act quite odd. I remember watching her fight our neighbor's dog outside a window. She clawed out the poor dog's eyes, and ate them! It was incredibly difficult explaining what happened with the dog to my neighbor, Becky; who is a total sweetheart. In order to make up what happened, I made sure to clean her front and back yards. Minnie had become much scarier than ever before. 

The night before I got the results back from my brother, Minnie had scratched my leg. The scratch seemed harmless at first considering how it healed up so fast yet, the scar turned silver. It was as if I had a silver birthmark on my leg. Later that night, I had an odd dream about becoming a crossbreed between a cougar and a wolf. When I woke up, I was lying on top of my covers naked with pieces of dirt on my body! I had no idea what happened last night but, I had a feeling the dream held all the answers.

A couple weeks later, my older brother told me that the corpse leg belonged to a crossbreed of a wolf and a female human. It all made sense! My cat had eaten parts of a werewolf leg and became giant cat! And I became a were-cat-wolf!

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