Vincent Manor's Vampire

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"They say, inside Vincent Manor is a vampire that kills anyone that comes in. Apparently, fifty years ago a young woman got bitten by a mutant bat, and turned into a strong vampire that terrorized nearby small towns. Then, a brave soul came to trap her inside the manor with magic. Now, she kills anyone that foolishly comes inside this manor," said Terry in a spooky voice, taking a bow in front of his friends.

Terry is an eighteen year old guy that loves to go on scary adventures with his friends around the world. They've been to places like Canada, the United Kingdom, Spain, Japan, New Zealand, and even Peru. His friends, Aurora and Seo-yeon, are huge fans of paranormal activity as well; they even play horror games every weekend at the apartment they share. Terry never joined in on their games, unlike a certain red-nosed reindeer he could care less.

"This is the first time that we've ever went to a spooky place with a vampire in it! Usually it's just been ghosts," said Seo-yeon excitedly. A big smile spread forth from cheek to cheek, as her eyes gazed upon Vincent Manor.

Vincent Manor cast a long, dark looming shadow over it's new guests. The curtains were casted aside, allowing them to catch a preview of what was inside. Nevertheless, they were deeply excited to go explore inside it's gray stoned walls.

"It may be old, but this tall fellow is still in good shape," said Aurora, pushing back her long bangs away from her face.

Terry walked over to the tall, heavy doors. "Come on then, let's get this adventure started!" he exclaimed, pushing open one of the doors with great force.

Seo-yeon and Aurora walked on inside the mansion while, Terry held the door open for them. Musty, cold air slammed into their faces as an awful greeting. As they walked into the mansion, they felt as if they were walking through cold rain. There were spider webs all over the place, as well as paintings of people from past centuries.

"Woah!" Terry exclaimed. "There's a camcorder of there!" He pointed across the entrance room so, the other two could see. Then, he went over to pick it up, and see what was recorded on it.

At first, when Terry pressed play on the camera, all they could see were a bunch of teenagers filming themselves being inside the manor. Just as most American teenagers do, they made fun of the place, and acted as if they weren't scared. Seo-yeon got tired of watching them fool around, and pressed the fast forward button on the camcorder. After a good fifteen minutes went by, that's when they saw something creepy.

A strange lady appeared a top the stairs. None of the teenagers seemed to notice she was there, it was odd.

"That's so freaky. How could they not know she is there?" Aurora asked.

The video kept going a little longer. Then, it suddenly stopped for a minute or two before starting back up again. Once it did, the video showed the same strange lady from before, sucking out the blood from the teenager's dead bodies. It was so horrifying that Aurora turned around, and started to puke.

"Oh gross," said Seo-yeon, tearing her eyes away from the sight of Aurora puking. "We have to get out of here. Or else we'll end up like those teenagers in that video."

Terry nodded. "Too bad this vampire isn't as friendly as the ghost we met in New York City," he said.

Seo-yeon immediately ran to the exit. The doors instantly disappeared at the sound of a snap, and were replaced with the same stones made up the walls. She ran towards the windows but, let out a frustrated yell when she saw that they were barred.

"Tsk, tsk." The strange lady, from the video, appeared at the bottom of the staircase, wagging her finger. "No need to be in such a rush. I prefer fresh Korean food over fast food," she said in a cocky voice.

Terry pulled a water gun out of his pocket, and shot at the strange lady. She dashed away, nearly avoiding the blast of liquid. He kept on shooting as he told the others to make a break for it.

"Quick! Find another exit! I'll keep her busy!" Terry shouted to his friends.

Seo-yeon and Aurora began to run but, they did not try to find another exit. Instead, they grabbed a couple of heavy objects and heaved them at the vampire.

"No Terry, we're going to leave this place together. All three of us," Aurora said as she kept chucking stuff at the vampire.

The vampire soon became irritated with the resistance. "Enough!" She shouted. She spread arms out, causing them to be being pushed back on the ground. Without wasting any time, she leapt forth on top of Terry, and took his water gun, throwing it across the room. "You'll be first, you smart-ass!"

Just as the vampire was about to sink her long, pointed teeth into Terry's neck, a tiny gun was pulled out, and he pulled the trigger. "Suck on garlic juice!" he proclaimed as he soaked her face with garlic water.

The vampire's screams could be heard all throughout the manor. The skin on her face began to melt, and continued to as Terry kept squirting her face and the rest of her body with garlic water. Seo-yeon and Aurora gasped in terror as they saw the vampire melt before their very eyes.

Terry let out a sigh of relief. He soon picked himself off the ground, and started heading towards the doors, that reappeared after they had killed Vincent Manor's Vampire, with his friends.

When they got outside, Terry breathed in the fresh night air. His body was still aching but, he didn't care.

"Next time Terry, let's go somewhere that doesn't have vampires," said Aurora. Seo-yeon and Terry both laughed.

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