The Island of Giants

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The dark clouds overhead blew hard against the waves. It shouted at the ship that dared venture out in forbidden territory. It threw lightning across the sky in a spastic temper tantrum. Sailors scrambled around on deck, trying to make sure everything was in check. Captain Rose De la Vega stood tall against the malicious weather at the helm of the ship commanding, and steering it to Drumbella Island, disregarding the constant threats and actions that came her way.

The sailors struggled for many hours with the ship. Captain De la Vega did not care about her crew's suffering; work is tough, no going around it. She wanted to get to Drumbella Island as soon as possible. Hurricane season would be starting soon, and she did want to get caught up in one.

The ship crawled it's way over the wet surface to Drumbella Island. The many sailors jumped up for joy, and others quickly jumped off the ship to go kiss the island's feet.

"We finally made it to the island, Captain," Roberto said, craning his neck upward to meet his captain eye to eye.

Rose did not bother meet Roberto's gaze, but instead looked above his head to see the large island they have landed on. Various tropical trees caught her fancy. "There are many things I want from this island. So I don't want any of you to think this is a vacation," she said, still choosing not to meet his gaze, and instead stared at a unique berry bush.

"Right ma'am. I will get it on right away," Roberto said. Rose handed him an already prepared list, and he headed off to the sandy beach to get the men in order for the scavenger hunt.

"Trelos... Where are you?" Rose mumbled to herself as her eyes scanned the big island.

While the crew searched for the things on the list, Rose jumped off the ship and casually walked on the sand. She knew exactly where she needed to go but, it always seemed like she did not whenever she got into this type of mood. Yet, the destination was not quite so clear.

Rose slashed away at branches nonchalantly with her great sword as she walked along an unknown path in the island's jungle. Nothing was allowed to stand in her way, she gets what she wants no matter the obstacle or threat. Just then, a terrible cry, from one of her crew, echoed throughout the jungle. Not only that but, loud crashing sounds could be heard too.

Captain De la Vega ran towards the direction of the cries for help. Various vines, branches, snakes, and insects were slashed into pieces. Before she reached her crew, a towering behemoth of a man cladded in rags came into view. The captain stopped dead to take a good look at the giant that could be seen over the heads of the trees.

"No fucking way," Rose breathed, as her face scrunched up.

The giant slapped away the captain's men and women, their bodies being hurled up in mid-air, and crashing down hard on the ground. Rose ran along the lines of rampage. There were a few sailors that had gotten far enough away so, Rose made sure to run after them; she had a plan.

"Hey!" Rose said in a loud voice, making sure to not be too loud.

The sailors turned around to see their captain running in their direction. They grouped up with her, daring not disobey the captain (even if a giant is around).

"Come, we must take that damn giant down," Rose commanded, and her sailors obeyed without question. "We're going back to the ship to get some supplies and weapons."

By the time they returned with what they needed to kill the giant, he was gone. Where exactly could a fifty foot giant have hid himself? There is no way he could have just vanished or teleported. He must be still on the island. Rose thought to herself, staying quiet in front of the last remaining crew mates.

Rose De la Vega stomped her boot on the ground hard. Frustration took a hold of her body as thoughts of death & revenge filled her mind. "NOOOO!" She screamed out at the top of her lungs. "I WILL RETURN!" She took deep breathes. "I promise that I will return, and I will be prepared for you, Drumbella, the island of giants."

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